Transforming Commercial Spaces: Innovative Remodel Ideas for Tenants

A well-designed office can do wonders for productivity and morale. But what happens when a space starts to feel outdated? That’s when it’s time to think about a transformation. This guide is your one-stop resource for commercial space remodeling, providing innovative ideas for tenant improvement and practical tips for budgeting and planning.

Call 317-253-0531 for Tenant Remodeling in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-253-0531 for Tenant Remodeling in Indianapolis Indiana

The Importance of a Fresh Commercial Space

First impressions matter, especially in the business world. A fresh, modern commercial space speaks volumes about your company’s values and vision. It can attract clients, retain top talent, and foster a positive work environment.

Your office isn’t just a place where work gets done; it’s a reflection of your brand. Updating your commercial space can invigorate your team and impress visitors. Here’s why investing in commercial remodeling is crucial:

  • Boosts Productivity: A well-designed space can enhance focus and efficiency.
  • Improves Morale: Employees feel more valued in a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing environment.
  • Enhances Brand Image: A modern office reflects innovation and success.

Understanding Your Lease and Remodeling Rights

Before picking up a hammer or calling a contractor, it’s essential to understand your lease agreement. Tenants often have specific rights and limitations when it comes to making alterations to a commercial space.

Review Your Lease Agreement

Your lease will detail what changes you can make without landlord approval. Some leases are flexible, while others are quite restrictive. Be aware of clauses related to:

  • Structural Changes: Major modifications often require landlord consent.
  • Cosmetic Changes: Paint, minor fixtures, and furniture might be more flexible.
  • Restoration Clauses: Sometimes, you may be required to restore the space to its original condition at the end of your lease.

Discuss with Your Landlord

Open communication with your landlord can lead to favorable agreements. Be prepared to negotiate:

Legal Considerations

Always consult a legal expert to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations. This can save you from costly mistakes and legal troubles in the future.

Innovative Remodeling Ideas for Commercial Spaces

Now that you know your rights, let’s explore some innovative remodeling ideas to transform your commercial space.

Creative Workspace Design

A creative workspace can inspire innovation and collaboration. Consider the following:

  • Open Layouts: Foster collaboration with open floor plans. Use modular furniture to create flexible workstations that can be easily reconfigured for different tasks.
  • Breakout Spaces: Designate areas for relaxation and informal meetings. Think cozy corners with comfortable seating and perhaps a coffee machine.
  • Ergonomic Furniture: Invest in adjustable chairs, standing desks, and other ergonomic furniture to promote health and comfort.

Energy-Efficient Lighting and Appliances

Sustainability is more than a trend; it’s a necessity. Energy-efficient lighting and appliances not only reduce your carbon footprint but also save on utility costs.

  • LED Lighting: Replace traditional bulbs with LED lights. They consume less energy and have a longer lifespan.
  • Smart Thermostats: Control heating and cooling efficiently with smart thermostats, which can be programmed to adjust temperatures based on occupancy.
  • Energy-Star Appliances: Opt for Energy-Star-rated appliances to ensure maximum efficiency.

Technology Integration

Incorporate the latest technology to streamline operations and create a smarter workspace.

  • Smart Meeting Rooms: Equip meeting rooms with smart boards, video conferencing systems, and automated scheduling.
  • IoT Devices: Use Internet of Things (IoT) devices to monitor and control lighting, security, and climate.
  • Reliable Wi-Fi: Ensure strong, reliable Wi-Fi throughout the office to support remote work and collaboration tools.

Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Features

Going green is good for the planet and your business. Clients and employees alike appreciate eco-friendly practices.

  • Recycled Materials: Use recycled and sustainable materials for flooring, furniture, and decor.
  • Indoor Plants: Improve air quality and aesthetics with indoor plants. Biophilic design elements can greatly enhance the work environment.
  • Water Conservation: Install low-flow faucets and toilets to reduce water usage.

Tips for Budgeting and Planning Your Remodel

Remodeling a commercial space can be costly, but with careful planning and budgeting, you can make the most of your investment.

Prioritize Your Needs

Start by listing out must-have improvements versus nice-to-haves. Focus on changes that will have the most significant impact on productivity and employee satisfaction.

  • Must-Haves: Improvements that are essential for daily operations (e.g., electrical upgrades, ergonomic furniture).
  • Nice-to-Haves: Enhancements that improve aesthetics but aren’t critical (e.g., art installations, decorative elements).

Get Multiple Quotes

Don’t settle for the first contractor you find. Obtain multiple quotes to compare prices and services offered.

  • Detailed Estimates: Ensure each quote includes a detailed breakdown of costs for labor, materials, permits, and any other expenses.
  • Check References: Look for contractors with good reputations and satisfied clients.

Plan for Contingencies

Unexpected issues can arise during remodeling projects. Plan for contingencies by setting aside a portion of your budget (typically 10% to 15%) for unforeseen expenses.

  • Emergency Funds: Having a financial cushion can prevent delays and keep your project on track.
  • Regular Updates: Maintain open communication with your contractor to stay informed about progress and potential issues.

Making Your Commercial Space Work for You

An effective commercial space is more than just visually appealing; it’s functional and aligns with your business goals.

Importance of Regular Updates and Adaptations

Business needs evolve, and your workspace should too. Regular updates ensure your space stays relevant and functional.

  • Annual Reviews: Assess your space annually to identify areas for improvement.
  • Employee Feedback: Involve your team in the process. Their insights can highlight practical changes that improve daily operations.

The Value of a Unique and Functional Workspace

A unique, well-designed workspace can set you apart from competitors and create a positive impression on clients and employees. By investing in thoughtful, strategic improvements, you can create a workspace that not only looks great but also supports your business objectives.

  • Brand Identity: Incorporate elements that reflect your brand’s identity and values.
  • Functional Design: Ensure that the design enhances productivity and employee well-being.


Transforming your commercial space is a strategic investment that can yield significant returns in productivity, employee satisfaction, and brand perception. By understanding your rights, exploring innovative remodeling ideas, and carefully planning your budget, you can create a workspace that works for you.

If you’re considering a tenant remodel, this guide is your starting point. Next, contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 to speak with a seasoned commercial construction contractor about planning your 2024 tenant improvements and remodels in Indianapolis, Indiana, today.

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Revitalizing Your Business Space: Top Tips for Commercial Tenant Remodels

A commercial space isn’t just four walls and a ceiling. It’s the canvas upon which your business identity is painted, the stage where your brand story unfolds, and the environment that directly influences the productivity and satisfaction of your employees. However, as time goes on, even the most meticulously planned spaces can begin to feel outdated, constraining, and uninspiring. This is when the decision to remodel your business space becomes pivotal.

For commercial tenants and small business owners, a remodel isn’t just about updating for the sake of keeping up appearances—it’s a strategic move toward securing a competitive edge, enhancing customer experience, and improving operational efficiency. In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about planning, executing, and evaluating a successful commercial tenant remodel.

Call 317-253-0531 for Commercial Tenant Remodels in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-253-0531 for Commercial Tenant Remodels in Indianapolis Indiana

Understanding Your Tenant Remodel Needs

Before you begin any renovations, it’s crucial to thoroughly assess your current space to identify which areas need to be improved. This process should be rooted in the understanding of your business goals and the specific needs of your employees and customers. Engage with stakeholders, survey your space, and ask yourself:

  • Is the layout conducive to the workflow of your team?
  • Does the space reflect the image and culture of your brand?
  • Are there any functionality or flow issues that need to be addressed?
  • What do your customers or clients say about the space?

By answering these questions, you can pinpoint the exact pain points that your remodel should address.

Budgeting and Planning

A well-organized budget and timeline are the backbone of any successful remodel project. Start by familiarizing yourself with the concept of Tenant Improvement Allowances (TIAs) offered by many commercial property owners. This financial incentive can significantly impact the scope and scale of your project.

Next, consider the following tips when creating your remodeling budget:

  • Factor in a contingency budget for unexpected costs.
  • Prioritize cost-effective updates that provide significant returns.
  • Understand the financial implications of potential lease term extensions or increases in rent due to the enhancements.

When you’re ready to plan, ensure that timelines are realistic and consider:

  • Seasonal effects on construction availability and costs.
  • Lead times for materials and custom furnishings.
  • Timely approvals from landlords or local authorities.

A well-planned remodel is an efficient remodel, saving you both time and money.

Design Considerations

The design of your space should align with modern aesthetics and integrate the latest technologies to future-proof your investment. Trends like open layouts, biophilic design, and modular furniture solutions not only bring freshness to your space but also promote collaboration and wellness.

Furthermore, it’s essential to consider:

  • Accessibility and ADA compliance to ensure the inclusivity of all patrons.
  • Sustainable design initiatives such as energy-efficient lighting and responsible material sourcing.
  • The incorporation of your brand’s color scheme, mission, and values into the design for a cohesive identity.

Investing in a thoughtful design isn’t just about style; it’s about creating an environment that supports the success of your business on multiple levels.

Finding the Right Commercial Contractors

A successful remodel requires the right team. When selecting a contractor, be sure to:

  • Research and interview multiple candidates.
  • Check references and review portfolios for similar project experience.
  • Confirm proper licensing, insurance, and bonding.
  • Ensure clear communication channels from the onset.

A strong partnership with a reliable contractor will lead to a smoother construction process and a higher-quality end result.

The Tenant Remodeling Process

Once you’ve selected a contractor, you’ll move into the construction phase. Here’s what to expect:

  1. Demolition and site preparation.
  2. Structural and system upgrades, if necessary.
  3. Material and finish installation.
  4. Final inspections and occupancy.

During the process, clear communication, flexibility, and a proactive approach to problem-solving will be your greatest assets.

Post-Remodel Evaluation

After your remodel is complete, it’s time to evaluate the impact. Watch for signs of increased employee satisfaction, improved customer engagement, and enhanced operational efficiency. Measure these against your original goals to determine the project’s success.

Additionally, obtain feedback from all stakeholders and identify any lingering issues that need to be addressed. A comprehensive post-remodel evaluation will inform future improvements and ensure that your space continues to serve your business at its best.


It’s clear that the decision to remodel your commercial space is intricate and multifaceted. However, with careful planning, the right partnerships, and a post-project review, the benefits are substantial. Remember, a commercial tenant remodel is not just about making changes; it’s about crafting an environment that supports the sustained success of your business.

Are you ready to take the leap and transform your space into a true reflection of your brand’s potential? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for professional commercial tenant remodels in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve clients all throughout the state.

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Maximizing Leasehold Improvements: A Guide for Commercial Tenants

Leasing a commercial space is not merely a transaction; it’s an opportunity for business expansion and customization. One of the core incentives this transaction offers is leasehold improvements, often referred to as a “build-out” or “fit-out” in the commercial real estate vernacular. When executed strategically, these improvements can significantly enhance the functionality and appeal of your business premises.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the complex world of commercial tenant improvements, empowering commercial tenants with the knowledge needed to turn a blank canvas into a dynamic business environment that reflects your brand and elevates your operations.

Call 317-253-0531 for Commercial Leasehold Improvements in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-253-0531 for Commercial Leasehold Improvements in Indianapolis Indiana

Understanding Leasehold Improvements

Leasehold improvements broadly encompass any alteration to a leased space undertaken to customize it for the specific needs of the tenant. These alterations could range from simple paint jobs to full-scale renovations, such as partitioning a large open space into private offices or adding fixtures and equipment unique to the tenant’s business.

Types of Commercial Tenant Improvements

There are various types of commercial tenant improvements, each with unique benefits:

Cosmetic enhancements: These include painting, new carpeting, and minor wall adjustments. They are usually the most straightforward and cost-effective upgrades, yet they can do wonders for the aesthetics and atmosphere of the space.

Functional improvements: Think of these as upgrades to the “engine room” of your office—things like electrical work, HVAC adjustments, and installing or modifying utilities to accommodate specialized equipment.

Structural changes: These are significant modifications that can impact the building itself, such as adding or removing walls, changing the floor plan, or altering the layout of the space. They often require more complex planning and compliance with building codes.

Benefits for Businesses

The significance of commercial leasehold improvements for businesses cannot be overstated. By tailoring your commercial space to your unique operational requirements and aesthetic goals, you create an environment that can boost employee morale, improve workflow efficiency, and enhance customer experience. Financially, these renovations can also add value to your business, improving asset base and the ability to resell your business in the future if tenant improvements are done well.

Negotiating Leasehold Improvements

Negotiating for the right to make tenant improvements during your lease term is a critical part of the leasing process. Many first-time tenants underestimate the importance of this negotiation. Here are key points to consider:

Tips for Negotiating with Landlords

Start Early: Space planning and preconstruction are key elements in the process. Begin discussions about desired renovations and repairs before the lease is finalized or use sketches and notes to convey your vision to the landlord.

Be Clear and Detailed: Develop a thorough scope of work outlining each renovation or repair you’re proposing. Clarity and detail reduce ambiguity and the potential for disputes.

Understand Landlord’s Perspective: Landlords are typically more amenable to tenant improvement plans that add value to the property. Frame your requests in terms of sustainability and long-term asset enhancement.

Cost Considerations and Budgeting

Factor in the Unknowns: Construction projects often have unforeseen costs. A good rule of thumb is to budget at least 10-15% of the construction cost for unexpected expenses.

Assess Long-Term Expenses: Consider the energy efficiency and ongoing maintenance costs of new systems and fixtures. The initial investment in a higher quality system or material could lead to long-term savings.

Consult a Construction Company Early: Commercial general contractors can provide ballpark figures based on similar past projects. Involving them early can prevent over-engineering or under-bidding on work.

Execution of Commercial Tenant Improvements

Once the negotiation phase is complete, the focus shifts to executing the renovations or remodels. This is the stage where the plans become reality, and it’s crucial to manage the process with precision.

Hiring a Commercial General Contractor and Managing Timelines

Choose a Company with Experience: Look for a construction company that specializes in commercial projects and understands the unique demands of your business sector.

Create a Realistic Timeline: Work with your construction contractor to establish a timeline that aligns with your business needs, as delays can have a significant impact on your operations and bottom line.

Communicate Openly and Often: Regular communication with your construction manager can help to identify and solve problems early, keeping the project on track.

Compliance with Regulations and Agreements

Permitting and Codes: Be aware of the local building codes and permitting processes. Failure to comply can lead to costly delays or worse—legal ramifications.

Insurance and Liabilities: Understand what your insurance covers and make sure your commercial general contracting team (and any subcontractors) have their own policies. Clarity on liability can protect all parties involved.

Protect Leaseholder Rights: Ensure that the lease clearly specifies tenants’ rights and obligations regarding improvements. This can protect you if the landlord sells the property during the lease term or if there is a dispute regarding the condition of the space at the end of the lease.

Maximizing Value from Tenant Improvements

The key to maximizing the value of commercial tenant renovations is to approach the process holistically, balancing the short-term benefits with long-term business goals.

Enhancing Functionality and Aesthetics

Design with Efficiency in Mind: Work with an architect or interior designer to ensure the layout and design of your renovations optimize the space for your business needs.

Choose Durable Materials: In high-traffic areas, durability is key. Look for materials that can withstand the demands of a commercial environment without sacrificing style.

Acoustics and Comfort: Renovations that enhance acoustic, reduce noise, and provide ergonomic workspaces can lead to a more productive and comfortable work environment.

Long-Term Benefits for the Business

Scalability: Design your improvements with potential future growth in mind. Can walls be easily moved? Are utilities accessible for future expansion?

Technology Integration: Ensure your space is designed to accommodate current and future technological needs, from data cabling to power needs for modern office equipment.

Sustainability and Energy Efficiency: The commercial world is increasingly focused on sustainability. Consider energy efficiency improvements that reduce your environmental impact and operating costs, like energy-efficient lighting and advanced building management systems.


The process of commercial tenant leasehold improvements is a significant opportunity for commercial tenants to mold their workspace in a way that directly supports their business objectives. By understanding the intricacies of this process—from negotiating the initial permit to the execution of the project—and focusing on the long-term value rather than short-term costs, tenants can gain a competitive edge in the commercial real estate market.

If you’re a commercial tenant preparing for a lease negotiation or improvement project, the expertise of a professional commercial general contractor can be invaluable. They not only bring construction know-how to the table but can also provide insight and advice derived from experience with similar projects in their portfolio.

Don’t leave the potential of your commercial space untapped; with the right approach to leasehold improvements, you can create a dynamic environment that sets the stage for your business to thrive. Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 to speak with an expert Indianapolis commercial general contractor about your options for tenant improvement remodeling and more. We serve clients in all industries and throughout all of Central Indiana.

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Understanding Landlord-Funded Build-Out Allowances in Indiana

Understanding Landlord-Funded Build-Out Allowances in Indiana

Navigating the intricate world of commercial leasing can be daunting, especially when it comes to understanding complex clauses like the build-out allowance. Whether you’re a prospective tenant eyeing a new space, a landlord assessing property value, or an investor seeking the best ROI, your understanding of this critical component needs to be as polished as the walls of your up-and-coming storefront. This piece is your keystone in decoding the landlord-funded build-out allowance specifically within the legal scope and practices of Indiana.

Call 317-253-0531 if You Need Commercial Office Build Out Contractors in Indianapolis
Call 317-253-0531 if You Need Commercial Office Build Out Contractors in Indianapolis

Delving Into Build-Out Allowances

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of Indiana’s build-out allowances, it’s pivotal to understand what this term encapsulates. Essentially, a build-out allowance is an agreement within commercial leases where the landlord provides funding, typically calculated in cost per square footage, to the tenant for customizing or improving the space. Significantly, this clause acts as a tug-of-war rope, shifting the cost, and, relatedly, the benefits between tenant and landlord.

The Significance for All Parties Involved

For tenants, such allowances can mean significant cost savings and the chance to tailor a space to fit their operational and branding needs without hefty upfront expenses. Meanwhile, landlords capitalize on the allure of a customized space, attracting long-term tenants and potentially increasing the property’s value.

Indiana’s Lease Landscapes

Indiana, holding its own in the commercial real estate market, has its distinct set of regulations and common practices related to build-out allowances. These rules often vary greatly from those in neighboring states, which is why a state-specific understanding is essential.

Terms and Traditions in Hoosier State Leasing

Indiana leases commonly offer build-out allowances that are more generous than tenants might find elsewhere. These allowances are not only beneficial for the tenant but are smart investments for landlords aiming to set their properties apart in a competitive market.

Laying Out Perks for Commercial Tenants

Tenants are the direct beneficiaries of build-out allowances. Actively engaging with the allowance can have a series of favorable outcomes for businesses large and small.

Cost Savings and Customization Opportunities

These allowances extend substantial cost savings to tenants, with landlords often shouldering up to 100% of the build-out costs. Beyond finances, this provision facilitates the physical manifestation of a company’s brand and culture, vital in customer recognition and staff morale.

A Boost to Property Value

Tenants armed with a well-executed build-out plan can inadvertently enhance the property’s value. A space uniquely fitted to the tenant’s operations is likely to secure longer lease terms and a more profitable asset for the landlord.

Strategies for Property Managers

Property managers serve as the bridge between tenants and landlords, and understanding how to tactfully manage build-out allowances is a craft that’s perfected with the right approach.

The Art of Negotiation

Property managers must hone the art of negotiation. They should be adept at balancing a tenant’s needs with a landlord’s financial limits, often requiring a deep understanding of the local market for cost estimation.

Timing and Financial Foresight

Managing expectations is crucial; property managers must confidently set realistic timelines and financial projections for build-out projects. Mismanagement could sour the tenant-landlord rapport and disrupt the property’s long-term performance.

Real Estate Investor Perspectives

For real estate investors, understanding the implication of build-out allowances can significantly impact their decision-making processes.

Seizing Investment Opportunities

Savvy investors are always on the lookout for properties that hold potential for value addition. Coupled with a strategic build-out allowance, such opportunities become goldmines for investors looking to maximize their returns.

Evaluating the ROI

Assessing the ROI potential of a property investment with a build-out clause is critical. It’s not just about the initial costs but also the long-term gain from having a property that’s in high demand due to customized, well-maintained spaces.

Key Takeaways

Build-out allowances in commercial leasing are not one-size-fits-all. The complexity of the Indiana statutes and the multifaceted approach needed in dealing with these clauses require informed and strategic decision-making. Tenants, property managers, and investors alike must harness their knowledge of these allowances to turn commercial real estate into a realm of opportunity rather than venture into it as uncharted territory.

By grasping the nuances of Indiana’s distinctive approach to build-out allowances, commercial parties can foster environments where tenants thrive, landlords gain, and investment potential is maximized. It’s with this concerted knowledge and action that the market will continue to evolve and grow, responding to both the economic currents and the innovative spirit that is uniquely Indiana.

Ready to transform your commercial space into a tailored, thriving business environment in Indianapolis, Indiana? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531, today! Our expert team specializes in full-service tenant improvements and commercial build-outs, ensuring your space not only meets but exceeds your expectations. Make the most of your build-out allowance with professionals who know exactly how to bring your vision to life while maximizing your investment. We serve all corporate, commercial, and industrial industries in Indy and its surrounding districts.

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Why Space Planning Construction is So Valuable For Businesses

Do not make the mistake of thinking that space planning and design is the same thing as interior design services. Space planning construction is one of the most valuable elements of a business plan. Not only does proper space planning and design deliver enhanced efficiency, in terms of both energy and staff productivity, but also attracts more clientele and customers.

Continue reading to learn why space planning construction is so valuable for your business, plus who to trust in central Indiana for premier space planning services for commercial properties.

Indiana Space Planning Commercial Construction 317-253-0531
Indiana Space Planning Commercial Construction 317-253-0531

Why Choose Commercial Space Planning Services

Commercial space planning best benefits commercial businesses like offices, retail stores, restaurants and similar commercial spaces that serve clients or customers. By failing to incorporate smart commercial space planning and design into your commercial remodel or renovation, you are preventing yourself the opportunity to increase your customer base and yearly dividends. Not only can smart commercial space planning, increase staff contentment, thus improving their overall productivity, but it can also increase customer contentment, which can increase return business.

The most valuable benefits of commercial space planning and design all contribute to your business’s overall success. Let’s take a closer look:

Reduce Wasted Space

When it comes to owning and operating a business, waste is something you want to mitigate as much as possible. As for the square and cubic footage of your actual facility or office, the same principle applies. Smart space planning and design will allow you to reduce wasted space in the work environment, allowing you to make the most of your property.

Attract and Keep Business

It is confidently suggested that a well-planned space, whether an office or restaurant, is more impressionable on a customer or client. A good first impression is essential for repeat business and business that renders higher margins. If your space is poorly designed or sloppily organized, it will leave a bad impression on customers and clients, which is likely to negatively influence their opinion of your company and the services or products it offers.

Maintain High Employee Productivity

As mentioned earlier, a space that is well designed and planned out will make employees happier because they are more comfortable, plus they are given a platform that allows them to do their work efficiently and with a higher level of convenience. In turn, this increases employee productivity, which directly impacts your bottom line.

Plan For Future Expansion

Most business owners have plans to grow their company, and a well-planned space can allow you to make these renovations and build outs as needed. Space planning and design that incorporates a plan for future expansion will allow you to cost-effectively accommodate any growth you experience in your company.

Are you looking for a trusted commercial general contracting company in Indy but unsure where to begin? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for comprehensive commercial space planning and permitting in Indianapolis, Indiana. We work with clients all throughout the state.

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Top 4 Tenant Improvements to Boost Office Productivity

If you are a business owner looking to increase the productivity and performance of your office, an custom tenant improvement plan might just be the right solution. But before getting started on tenant improvement, planning, learn how to stretch out your TI allowance to get the most from your office remodel.

Continue below to review the top 4 tenant improvements recommended to boost office productivity and ultimately, your bottom line.

Tenant Improvement Remodeling Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531
Tenant Improvement Remodeling Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

4 Tenant Improvements You Should Consider First

There are several ways to remodel and office space for the purpose of boosting efficiency, productivity, performance, and overall contentment among employees and visitors. However, the top four tenant improvements that tend to render the highest productivity yields include open floor plans, outdoor workspaces, multiple egresses, and quality soundproofing.

Open Floor Plans

Open floor plans are all the rage in the residential real estate industry, but they are now becoming more of a priority in the commercial space planning and design industry. If your office space is outdated with small hallways and offices, and open floor plan is the perfect TI to boost office productivity. Reduce the number of enclosed offices and open up the floor with cubicles, multi-desk workstations, multi-use work areas, and cubicle divisions.

Outdoor Workspaces

Outdoor workspaces are a popular design feature in today’s commercial office real estate industry. It is suggested by many studies that employees prefer having multiple options when it comes to workstations, break areas, and team projects. Outdoor workspaces are the perfect tenant improvement remodel for commercial offices because they provide these amenities, plus increase employee contentment by offering natural light and flora. For offices located in regions that experience colder seasons, sunrooms are the perfect alternative and highly versatile in terms of design and energy efficiency.

Multiple Egress Points

Incorporating multiple egress points is into your tenant improvement remodel is similar to opening up your office space to a more open floor plan. It allows for an enhanced flow of foot traffic, gives staff and visitors several ways to come and go, plus gives you flexibility in terms of divvying up your space.

Quality Soundproofing

A quiet office is an easier and more peaceful environment to work in. By better soundproofing your office, you can promote tranquility, which in turn will allow for more focused meetings, streamlined work, and overall staff contentment. Soundproofing remodels are especially important for office spaces that incorporate an open floor plan, or buildings located near noisy activities, like highways, airports, or school zones.

Are you a commercial landlord or tenant who wishes to improve the look, function, and overall success of your business? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 to speak with an expert Indianapolis commercial general contractor about your options for tenant improvement remodeling and more. We serve clients in all industries and throughout all of Central Indiana.

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Which Commercial Construction Services Do You Need For Your Project?

Commercial construction is simply an umbrella term to describe a comprehensive scope of commercial space planning, zoning, designing, building, maintaining, and more. Whether you are building new or renovating a distressed asset, it is important to streamline your thought process by identifying which types of commercial construction services you will require for your construction plans.

Continue below to review some of the most common services provided by an Indiana commercial construction and general contracting company, plus learn how to get your plans into motion before the year is up.

Commercial Construction Services Indiana 317-253-0531
Commercial Construction Services Indiana 317-253-0531

Commercial Construction Services in Indiana

General Contracting

A general contracting company works as a single source of contact and management by providing all material, labor, equipment, and services required for a commercial construction project. In most cases, they are responsible for hiring and managing specialized subcontractors to perform all or some of the work, such as roofing, windows, framing, drywall, painting, electrician work, and more.

Construction Management

Commercial construction management applies concentrated managing system to oversee all aspects of a project, from planning and preconstruction, to designing, building, finishing, and more. This approach ensures an organized and streamlined construction process, therefore, controlling costs and reducing the likelihood of setbacks and project delays.


Commercial construction preconstruction services apply the innovative knowledge of precision forecasting to evaluate and establish every element of a project before breaking ground. This allows the development of a solid base, as well as a steady timeline for a project, including specifying all aspects, aligning design/build agendas, recognizing milestones, creating contingency plans, and assessing alternatives. This approach helps to accurately reflecting real world conditions, controlling costs, and abating complications or setbacks.

Tenant Improvements and Remodels

A commercial construction company will often provide services for apartment complexes, condominiums, retirement centers, and other types of commercially owned residential living communities. Everything from permit applications and materials procurement to construction management, financial plan compliance, and more are handled by the commercial construction company. 

Facility Maintenance

Once a project is complete and a property is built, there is still a need for ongoing, specialized maintenance. Facility maintenance services sustain all systems and structures within a building. The commercial construction company will set up a program, or remain available, to implement specialized maintenance work that cannot be performed by in-house custodial and day-porter staffs, such as electrician work, sign repair, and more.

Industries and Businesses We Serve

Space Planning and Permitting – Zoning and permits, site selection/evaluation, preconstruction, community due diligence, land acquisition, economic incentive inquiries, feasibility studies, constructability reviews, site audits, site entitlements, financial analysis/structuring, and more.

Office and Commercial-Use Construction – Offices, office buildings, office complexes, high-rises, corporate campuses, single and multi-tenant offices, public buildings, auditoriums, pavilions, conference centers, and similar properties.

Healthcare Construction – Hospitals, medical facilities, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, medical offices, spas, esthetician offices, pharmaceutical factories, wellness centers, sports medicine centers, and all other healthcare-related industries.

Retail and Franchise Construction – Shopping centers, malls, strip malls, clothing stores, boutiques, franchise businesses, spas, and more.

Restaurant and Food Service Construction – Restaurants, eateries, pubs, bars, cafes, catering venues, diners, cafeterias, grocery stores, franchise businesses, food market pavilions, factories, distribution warehouses, commercial kitchens, and more.

Fitness and Gym Construction – Gyms, fitness centers, yoga studios, Pilates studios, ballet studios, dance studios, indoor pools, spas, sports complexes, tennis courts, basketball courts, recreational centers, and more.

Commercial Flooring – Standard flooring, specialty flooring, space planning, repair, replacement, installation, procurement, etc.

Commercial Painting and Drywall – Space planning, repair, refinishing, installation, designing, etc.

Would you prefer to skip the difficulty of seeking out the best commercial construction company in central Indiana? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for honest and skilled general contracting and commercial construction in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve clients all throughout the state with the highest level of professionalism and excellence.

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FAQS About Planning a Commercial Construction Project
The Two Key Components in the Commercial Construction Estimate Process
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Essential Repairs to Do Before Listing Your Commercial Office Space on the Market

Whether you are relocating or retiring your business, it is likely that your current space could use some upgrading. If you are preparing to list your commercial office space for sale or rent, it is wise to make some important repairs and renovations beforehand so that you can attract good inquiries and get the most ROI from your asset.

Continue reading to learn which repairs and upgrades will have the most impact on your ROI when listing a commercial office on the real estate market, plus a bonus tip on where to get prompt and professional commercial renovation services in Central Indiana.

Commercial Office Renovation Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531
Commercial Office Renovation Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

Minor Office Repairs

Before you list your commercial office space for sale or rent, there is a long list of minor repairs that you can do to make your property more appealing to potential consumers. Even a basic deep clean is something you want to seriously consider. Here are some common minor repairs to implement before listing a commercial office or facility for sale:

Paint – New paint is an instant refresher for any room. If your interior has not been painted in a few years, a fresh coat will instantly give your office environment a fresher and cleaner feel. Just be careful choosing interior paint colors. Avoid colors that are bold and bright, and lean toward more modest colors, like shades of tan, beige, taupe, gray, ivory, and even a soft olive green. Also consider repainting the outside of your business.

Flooring – Flooring is one of the top selling points for potential commercial office seekers. New or newly renovated commercial flooring can instantly upgrade the look of any room, including break rooms, lounge areas, bathrooms, conference rooms, and even storage rooms.

Carpeting – Many commercial renters and buyers choose to replace carpets with hardwood or laminate flooring since for a more modern feel. Also, carpeting begins to look old and worn out shortly after installation. This means that your carpet will most certainly require a deep cleaning and shampoo, or even replacement, before listing your office space or facility on the real estate market.

Lighting – Another detail that really impressed and influences potential renters and buyers is lighting and light fixtures. Outdated light fixtures are not appealing, so they will stick out like a sore thumb. Replacing or upgrading your lighting ambience and fixtures is an excellent way to enhance your business environment. In fact, good office lighting can improve staff contentment and productivity. Natural lighting is a top office feature.

Major Office Repairs

Along with minor repairs, there are usually a few major repairs you can do to make your office sell faster on the market, and at the price point you want. For instance, appliances are a huge selling point for potential buyers and renters. Water heaters, water softeners, HVAC systems, sump pump systems, boilers, dishwashers, washing machines, and more, should be in good condition or updated models if you want to get the most from your listing.

Another key factor is commercial roofing and siding. If your roof and siding systems are in bad shape, it would probably be lucrative for you to repair or replace them before listing your office or facility. Otherwise, their condition will affect the offers you receive on the property. The same principle applies to other major repairs, like foundation or water damage issues, mold, pest infestations, and more.

Are you ready to transform your commercial office space within budget and ahead of schedule? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 when you need the most trusted and qualified commercial general contractors for commercial remodeling and painting services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve clients all throughout the state.

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What it Takes to Get the Best Commercial Interior Painting Finishes

Commercial interior painting is a tedious and delicate project that requires a certain degree of organization, commitment, and most importantly, technique. Professional painting contractors make these qualities look easy to achieve, but for the average person, attaining professional painting finishes is a challenge. There are many techniques and methods used by professional painting teams to get that flawless, rich result you want with interior painting.

Continue below to learn what it really takes to get a professional-looking paint job before you decide on a Do-It-Yourself approach.

Commercial Painting Services Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531
Commercial Painting Services Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

Professional Painting for Commercial Interiors

Painters Tape

When you tape up baseboards before painting, it can seem like a pretty straightforward task. Apply the tape so that the woodwork is covered and move on; right? Well, many times, after the painting is finished and the tape is removed, you can find streaks or drops that managed to seep their way through. To avoid this, do what the pro’s do and use a putty knife to apply the painting tape on baseboards and molding. Press the knife against the tape to ensure a thorough seal. This prevents any paint from getting through.

Drywall Repair and Sanding

One of the most important steps to painting is preparation. Preparation of course includes choosing the proper paint, deciding on a color, purchasing needed supplies, and laying out protective drop canvas for flooring and furniture. But when we mentioned preparation in terms of what the professionals suggest, we mean hole-patching and sanding.  All holes and deficits should be filled in with a joint-compound patching product, smoothed down evenly, and allowed to dry completely. Once these areas of dry, you can sand away all the uneven surfaces.

It is vital to sand away any surface flaws, like spackle, joint-compound patches, nicks, nail holes, scores, scratches, chips, and more the best you can. Do this using a fine grit sandpaper and sanding pole. The fine grit will protect your walls from over-sanding, while the pole will allow you to reach all the way to the high walls and ceiling. Sand baseboards, molding, walls, and more to get an even smooth surface. Once you have an even and smooth surface, you can move forward with your painting project.

Paint and Primer

When joint compound is painted over, it can sometimes absorb all the moisture from the paint and leave a duller, discolored look. This makes all the patched areas on a wall noticeable. To avoid this problem, which professionals refer to as “flashing”, be sure to apply a primer to your walls before painting. But to paint like a professional, don’t just use any primer, use a tinted primer. Although white primer is acceptable and frequently used, professionals typically use a gray-colored primer, or a primer that is close to the color of the finishing paint. This covers patched areas and existing paint better than plain white or ivory primers. This results in a more vibrant finish and less applications.

Paint Boxing

Although you can purchase the same color in five cans, it is not guaranteed that all five cans will look exactly the same. This can be evident in a paint job when a new container is opened halfway through painting. It can result in a different color tone on a wall. To avoid this, professional contractors “box” their paint by pouring all cans into one large bucket to achieve one consistent color.

Paint Application

Ever wonder why a self-paint job looks streaky and a professional’s is always smooth and even? Well, the secret is adding a paint extender or paint conditioner into your paint. Popular products, like Floetrol, are designed to slow down the drying process of the paint, allowing a more even application and finish. Not only do paint extenders hide brush strokes, but they also eliminate dark lap marks from painting over semi-dried paint.   


When ceilings are textured or bumpy, it can be virtually impossible to paint a clean line between the wall and the ceiling. For this reason, professionals will use a screwdriver to scrape a ridge along the edge of the walls and ceiling. This creates a platform for painting a smooth straight line between ceiling and wall and prevents paint from sticking to ceiling bumps. The resulting ridge should be fine enough so that the lost texture is never noticed, but wide enough for brush bristles to fit.

Are you looking for a company that can ensure your commercial interior remodel or painting project comes out exactly the way you envision it? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for comprehensive commercial painting and drywall services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We work with clients all throughout the state.

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Modern Building Features That Will Boost the Success of a Commercial Office

If you want to maintain your competitive edge in the world of business, it is important to design your commercial office building in a way that sets you up for long-term success. This resolve is important whether you are looking to build a new commercial office building or lease an existing one. Modern features are a key element to achieving a well-designed and functional business center.

Continue below to review some of the leading modern building features to look for when designing or procuring a new commercial office building.

Commercial Office Build Outs Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531
Commercial Office Build Outs Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

Modern Office Building Features


No matter what kind of office space you are designing or looking for, you will need fast and dependable internet connection. When running a business, it is important to have the absolute best Wi-Fi and internet package available, regardless of industry or budget.

Energy Efficient Advancements

Commercial office buildings see a lot of traffic and consume a lot of energy. Making energy efficient upgrades and improvements anywhere possible in the blueprints is an effective way to reduce operational costs and support environmental sustainability. Think solar paneling and power, wind turbines, energy efficient windows and doors, touchless technologies, and LEED construction and design.

Greater Security

Commercial office buildings are significant investments, but more importantly, the provide a work and business space for several people, people who require protection against foreseeable dangers. Modern buildings are designed with enhanced security in various aspects, from camera and video monitoring to electric gates, digital keypad locking systems, on-site patrol, ADA compliancy, fire suppression systems, and more.

Employee Lounges

Commercial office buildings rely on the productivity and adeptness of their staff to make the daily operations table turn at a predictable and effectual speed. By providing staff with comfortable break rooms, community workspaces, and basic lounge areas, you can support employee contentment. Happier employees show up on time, perform better, and look forward to growing with the company.

Cafes and Fitness Centers

Designing space for a lobby cafeteria, food court, or even a simple coffee and muffin stand can add a great deal of value to your investment. Fitness centers and spas are other highly valuable modern features sought out by commercial real estate investors and business owners looking for new office space.

Outdoor Work and Break Spaces

Like employee lounges, outdoor workspaces and break areas can significantly increase the value and demand for a commercial office building. Right now, one of the top modern building features trending among the commercial real estate industry are rooftop decks. Similar to rooftop decks, outdoor terraces, patios, and plazas work well to support staff contentment and productivity.

Adjustable Conference Rooms

Another highly sought-after feature that is being added to commercial office building design plans more and more each year are adjustable conference rooms. Businesses grow, plus they house all sorts of people, from staff and consumers to visitors, contractors, guests, and more. With plenty of conference  space, especially conference rooms that can be adjusted in size depending on your space needs at the time, you can accommodate your company’s operational needs and growth goals in a cost-effective manner.

Are you looking for professional help with designing or procuring a new commercial office space here in Indiana? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for commercial office remodeling and commercial-use construction in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve clients all throughout the state.

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