Top 5 Impactful Color Schemes for Your Commercial Property

Color is one of the most powerful yet underrated elements of commercial design. It has the ability to communicate brand values, affect mood, and even influence purchasing decisions. When used strategically, color can transform a commercial space into a memorable and inviting environment for both customers and employees. Selecting the appropriate color scheme for your property can be overwhelming, given the vast array of choices at your disposal.

For property managers and business owners looking to revitalize their spaces, it’s essential to understand the impact color has on an environment and how to select a color palette that aligns with their goals. In this post, we will explore the top 5 impactful color schemes that can elevate your commercial property, and that are catered to enhancing the ambiance of different industries.

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Call 317-253-0531 for Commercial Painting and Drywall Services in Indianapolis Indiana

Commercial Paint Color Schemes for Different Industries

Understanding the psychological effects of colors is a crucial starting point when selecting a color scheme for your commercial space. Each color elicits a different response from individuals, making it important to align the palette with the purpose and atmosphere you want to create. The top 5 impactful color schemes cater to the diverse needs of various industries.

The Professional Warmth of Earth Tones

Earth tones, including warm beige, rich browns, and dusky oranges, evoke a sense of grounded professionalism. They lend a sophisticated yet approachable feel to professional workspaces and have been shown to reduce stress and provide a calming aesthetic for clients and employees alike. This palette is particularly popular in law firms, accounting offices, and consulting agencies.

The Energetic Palette of Primary Colors

Primary colors — red, blue, and yellow — are often chosen for their bold, energetic feel. They are perfect for businesses looking to create a dynamic and stimulating environment. Red, for example, can increase heart rate and excite the mind, making it a great choice for retail to draw attention to special promotions or sales.

The Serenity of Cool Blue and Green Hues

Cooler hues like various shades of blue and green promote a sense of tranquility and trust. The calming effect of these colors makes them perfect for healthcare settings and financial institutions, where it’s important to instill a feeling of security and wellness in clients and patients. Blue is also known to help lower blood pressure and slow respiration and heart rate.

The Modern Charm of Monochromatic Design

Monochromatic color schemes, where shades and tints of a single color are used, offer a modern and clean look. They provide a sense of harmony and can be very calming. This style is often seen in technological and creative industries, such as teals and aqua blues for offices that prefer a more rejuvenating environment.

The Vigor of High-Contrast Black and White

High contrast, like black and white, often seen together with a pop of vibrant color, is striking and effective. It’s perfect for creating a sense of urgency, cleanliness, and clarity, making it popular in media and energetic, fast-paced businesses. Think of the Apple store’s minimalistic yet inviting layout.

Industrial Colors for Safety and Function

For industrial settings, durability, safety, and functionality often take precedence over psychological effects, and industrial-grade paint is designed to meet these demands. Coatings are selected for their ability to withstand temperature fluctuations, resist chemicals, flag hazards, provide safety warnings, and offer greater wear resistance.

Tips for Commercial Paint Color Curation

Selecting a color scheme is only the beginning; how it integrates with the rest of your space is equally important. Here are some practical tips for implementing your chosen color scheme effectively.

Consider the Lighting: The type and amount of lighting in your space can vastly alter the perception of color. Natural light is the best indicator of true color, so it’s important to sample colors under similar lighting conditions before making a final decision.

Test on a Small Scale: Always test your paint colors on small areas of your walls to see how they look in your space. This can help you avoid costly mistakes and ensure the colors you choose work well together.

Complement with Accents: While selecting your primary color scheme is important, don’t forget the power of accent colors. They can be introduced through furniture, art, and decor to tie the space together and add interest.

Create a Flow: Use color to create a logical flow throughout your space. Consider the psychology of color in how it will guide clients and employees through different areas of your property.

Balance with Neutrals: Neutrals can act as a grounding force in your design, balancing out the impact of bolder colors. They can help create a more comfortable and less overwhelming environment.

Updating the color of your space can be a cost-effective way to refresh and revitalize the ambiance. Even simple changes, like a fresh coat of paint on your commercial walls, can make a significant impact.


The right color scheme can set the stage for the experience you want to offer in your commercial space. Whether it’s to inspire creativity, promote relaxation, or encourage focus, color plays a critical role in the perception and functionality of a property. Take into account the unique needs and brand identity of your business when considering these color scheme options. With thoughtful planning and a clear understanding of the desired effect, you can transform your commercial property into a space that resonates with its intended audience.

If you’re ready to make a color change in your commercial property, reach out to BAF Corporation in Indianapolis. Our professional commercial painting and drywall services can help you bring your vision to life, creating an environment that reflects your brand and enhances the customer and employee experience. We serve all of Central Indiana.

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What it Takes to Get the Best Commercial Interior Painting Finishes

Commercial interior painting is a tedious and delicate project that requires a certain degree of organization, commitment, and most importantly, technique. Professional painting contractors make these qualities look easy to achieve, but for the average person, attaining professional painting finishes is a challenge. There are many techniques and methods used by professional painting teams to get that flawless, rich result you want with interior painting.

Continue below to learn what it really takes to get a professional-looking paint job before you decide on a Do-It-Yourself approach.

Commercial Painting Services Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531
Commercial Painting Services Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

Professional Painting for Commercial Interiors

Painters Tape

When you tape up baseboards before painting, it can seem like a pretty straightforward task. Apply the tape so that the woodwork is covered and move on; right? Well, many times, after the painting is finished and the tape is removed, you can find streaks or drops that managed to seep their way through. To avoid this, do what the pro’s do and use a putty knife to apply the painting tape on baseboards and molding. Press the knife against the tape to ensure a thorough seal. This prevents any paint from getting through.

Drywall Repair and Sanding

One of the most important steps to painting is preparation. Preparation of course includes choosing the proper paint, deciding on a color, purchasing needed supplies, and laying out protective drop canvas for flooring and furniture. But when we mentioned preparation in terms of what the professionals suggest, we mean hole-patching and sanding.  All holes and deficits should be filled in with a joint-compound patching product, smoothed down evenly, and allowed to dry completely. Once these areas of dry, you can sand away all the uneven surfaces.

It is vital to sand away any surface flaws, like spackle, joint-compound patches, nicks, nail holes, scores, scratches, chips, and more the best you can. Do this using a fine grit sandpaper and sanding pole. The fine grit will protect your walls from over-sanding, while the pole will allow you to reach all the way to the high walls and ceiling. Sand baseboards, molding, walls, and more to get an even smooth surface. Once you have an even and smooth surface, you can move forward with your painting project.

Paint and Primer

When joint compound is painted over, it can sometimes absorb all the moisture from the paint and leave a duller, discolored look. This makes all the patched areas on a wall noticeable. To avoid this problem, which professionals refer to as “flashing”, be sure to apply a primer to your walls before painting. But to paint like a professional, don’t just use any primer, use a tinted primer. Although white primer is acceptable and frequently used, professionals typically use a gray-colored primer, or a primer that is close to the color of the finishing paint. This covers patched areas and existing paint better than plain white or ivory primers. This results in a more vibrant finish and less applications.

Paint Boxing

Although you can purchase the same color in five cans, it is not guaranteed that all five cans will look exactly the same. This can be evident in a paint job when a new container is opened halfway through painting. It can result in a different color tone on a wall. To avoid this, professional contractors “box” their paint by pouring all cans into one large bucket to achieve one consistent color.

Paint Application

Ever wonder why a self-paint job looks streaky and a professional’s is always smooth and even? Well, the secret is adding a paint extender or paint conditioner into your paint. Popular products, like Floetrol, are designed to slow down the drying process of the paint, allowing a more even application and finish. Not only do paint extenders hide brush strokes, but they also eliminate dark lap marks from painting over semi-dried paint.   


When ceilings are textured or bumpy, it can be virtually impossible to paint a clean line between the wall and the ceiling. For this reason, professionals will use a screwdriver to scrape a ridge along the edge of the walls and ceiling. This creates a platform for painting a smooth straight line between ceiling and wall and prevents paint from sticking to ceiling bumps. The resulting ridge should be fine enough so that the lost texture is never noticed, but wide enough for brush bristles to fit.

Are you looking for a company that can ensure your commercial interior remodel or painting project comes out exactly the way you envision it? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for comprehensive commercial painting and drywall services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We work with clients all throughout the state.

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