Building Success Brick by Brick with Commercial Preconstruction Services

In the world of real estate development, every decision can make or break your project. From budgeting and timelines to risk management and site assessment, the complexities are endless. That’s where commercial preconstruction services come into play. These invaluable services can turn a daunting venture into a manageable, successful enterprise. In this post, we’ll explore how commercial preconstruction can benefit real estate developers, investors, and business owners.

Call 317-253-0531 for Commercial Preconstruction Services in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-253-0531 for Commercial Preconstruction Services in Indianapolis Indiana

Importance of Commercial Preconstruction Services

Commercial preconstruction services involve the planning and preparatory work necessary before actual construction begins. This phase is crucial because it sets the foundation for the entire project. During this stage, detailed project planning, budget estimation, design reviews, and site assessments are conducted.

By addressing potential issues early, such as identifying and mitigating risks, pre-construction services ensure that the actual construction process runs smoothly. This proactive approach helps to avoid costly delays and changes later on, ensuring that the project stays on schedule and within budget.

Overview of Pre-Construction Services Offered

Preconstruction services encompass a wide range of tasks essential for the successful initiation of a project. They include detailed site assessment to evaluate the suitability of the location, obtaining necessary zoning and permits to ensure compliance with local regulations, and meticulous budgeting to allocate resources effectively.

Scheduling is another critical component, involving the creation of timelines that coordinate various phases of the project. Managing risks is also integral, aimed at identifying potential challenges and developing strategies to mitigate them.

The ultimate goal of preconstruction services is to provide a comprehensive and proactive plan that anticipates and addresses potential issues, ensuring that the project is completed on time and within budget while maintaining high-quality standards. Furthermore, these services often involve collaboration with architects, engineers, and contractors to align the project’s vision and objectives from the outset.

The Benefits of Utilizing Commercial Preconstruction Services

Cost Savings and Budgeting Accuracy

One of the primary advantages of commercial preconstruction is the ability to accurately estimate costs. Preconstruction teams use detailed plans and market data to provide precise budgeting forecasts. This accuracy helps in securing financing and avoiding unexpected expenses down the line.

Project Efficiency and Timelines

Efficiency is another significant benefit. By planning every aspect of the project in advance, preconstruction services help streamline the construction process. This leads to shorter project timelines and quicker returns on investment.

Risk Mitigation and Value Engineering

Risk management is a critical component of preconstruction services. Identifying potential issues early allows for proactive solutions, reducing the risk of costly delays. Additionally, value engineering ensures that the project uses cost-effective materials and methods without compromising quality.

Key Considerations for Real Estate Developers

Selecting the Right Partner

Choosing the right preconstruction partner is crucial. Look for commercial construction and design build firms with a proven track record and expertise in your specific type of project. It’s also essential to find a partner who understands your vision and can provide customized solutions.

Understanding the Preconstruction Phase

Understanding what happens during the preconstruction phase can help you appreciate its value. This phase involves detailed planning, including site assessment, zoning, permits, and budgeting. A thorough understanding enables better collaboration and more informed decision-making.

Insights for Investors and Business Owners

Evaluating Preconstruction Services

Investors and business owners need to evaluate the quality of preconstruction services carefully. Look for transparency in cost estimates and timelines. A reliable preconstruction partner will provide clear, detailed reports and be open to questions and discussions.

Financial and Operational Impacts

Understanding the financial and operational impacts of preconstruction services is essential. These services can significantly reduce risks, leading to more predictable financial outcomes. Operationally, streamlined processes result in fewer disruptions and faster project completion.

Real-world Examples of Success

Consider looking at successful projects similar to yours. These real-world examples can provide insights into how preconstruction services contributed to their success. Such examples can be a valuable resource when discussing potential projects with stakeholders.

The Future of Commercial Preconstruction Services

Technological Advancements and Industry Trends

Technology is revolutionizing preconstruction services. From Building Information Modeling (BIM) to advanced project management software, technological advancements are making preconstruction more efficient and accurate. Staying updated with industry trends can give you a competitive edge.

Sustainability and Green Building Practices

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in real estate development. Preconstruction services now often include green building practices and sustainability assessments. These practices not only benefit the environment but also attract Eco-conscious investors and tenants.

How Preconstruction Services are Evolving

The field of preconstruction is continuously evolving. New methodologies, technologies, and best practices are constantly being developed. Keeping abreast of these changes ensures that your projects benefit from the latest innovations and improvements.


Commercial preconstruction services are a powerful tool for real estate developers, investors, and business owners. They offer numerous benefits, from cost savings and efficiency to risk mitigation and sustainability. By understanding and leveraging these services, you can set your projects up for success.

If you’re ready to take your real estate ventures to the next level, consider partnering with our commercial construction experts. Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for full-service commercial general contracting and construction in Indianapolis, Indiana. We have the commercial construction solutions you need to catapult your business to the next level of success, brick by brick.

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Unlocking the Secrets to Successful Commercial Construction Site Assessments

Building a commercial property is a significant investment. But before you break ground, a thorough site assessment is critical for success. It’s more than just checking the soil or surveying the land; it’s about ensuring your project’s foundation—both literally and metaphorically—is rock solid.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the essential steps of the site assessment process for commercial construction projects. By understanding these steps, you can avoid costly pitfalls and set your project on the right path.

Call 317-253-0531 for Construction Site Assessment and Planning in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-253-0531 for Construction Site Assessment and Planning in Indianapolis Indiana

Understanding the Site Assessment Process

Defining the Scope of Work

The first step in a site assessment involves defining the scope of work. This includes identifying the key objectives, timelines, and budget constraints. Real estate developers and commercial building owners need to be precise about what they aim to achieve with the project. This clarity will guide the subsequent steps of the site assessment.

Conducting Preliminary Research

Next, preliminary research is conducted to gather essential information about the site. This involves examining historical records, previous land uses, and any existing structures. Knowing these elements of history can provide valuable insights into potential issues like contamination or structural weaknesses.

On-Site Inspections and Surveys

After preliminary research, on-site inspections and surveys are carried out. This includes soil testing, topographical surveys, and environmental assessments. These inspections are crucial for understanding the physical characteristics of the site, which will influence design and construction decisions.

The Role of Technology in Site Assessments

Advanced Surveying Tools

Modern technology has revolutionized the site assessment process. Advanced surveying tools like drones and 3D laser scanners provide high-precision data that was previously unattainable. These tools can quickly map out large areas, making the assessment process faster and more accurate.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

GIS technology allows for the integration of various data sets, such as topography, soil types, and environmental factors, into a single platform. This holistic view aids in better decision-making and planning. It also helps in identifying potential issues before they become significant problems.

Building Information Modeling (BIM)

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is another powerful tool in the site assessment arsenal. BIM enables the creation of detailed 3D models of the proposed development. These models help visualize the project and identify any spatial conflicts or design flaws early in the preconstruction process.

Common Challenges in Site Assessments

Environmental Hurdles

Environmental challenges can significantly impact site assessments. Issues like soil contamination, water table levels, and protected wildlife habitats must be addressed. These factors can delay the project and increase costs if not identified early.

Regulatory and Permitting Issues

Navigating through building codes, zoning laws, and permitting requirements can be daunting. Each jurisdiction has its own set of rules, and non-compliance can result in hefty fines or project delays. An experienced site assessment team will be well-versed in local regulations to ensure the project meets all legal requirements.

Technical Complications

Technical challenges, such as structural integrity of existing buildings or underground utilities, can also pose significant hurdles. Unforeseen technical issues can derail a project if not properly assessed and mitigated. This is where a detailed and comprehensive site assessment proves invaluable.

Best Practices for Effective Site Assessments

Early and Continuous Planning

Effective site assessments start early in the commercial construction process and continue throughout the project’s lifecycle. Early planning helps identify potential issues, while continuous monitoring ensures that any new challenges are promptly addressed.

Involving a Multidisciplinary Team

A successful site assessment involves a multidisciplinary team, including architects, engineers, environmental scientists, and regulatory experts. This collaborative approach ensures that all aspects of the site are thoroughly evaluated, leading to a more comprehensive assessment.

Utilizing Detailed Checklists

Using detailed checklists can help ensure that no aspect of the site assessment is overlooked. These checklists should cover everything from environmental conditions and soil quality to regulatory compliance and technical specifications. Adhering to a checklist can streamline the process and reduce the risk of missing critical details.

The Future of Site Assessments in Commercial Construction

Integration of AI and Machine Learning

The future of site assessments in commercial construction looks promising with the integration of AI and machine learning. These technologies can analyze vast amounts of data and provide predictive insights, helping to anticipate and mitigate potential issues before they arise.

Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Practices

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in commercial construction. Future site assessments will likely place greater emphasis on Eco-friendly practices, such as using renewable materials and minimizing environmental impact. This shift towards sustainability will not only benefit the environment but also enhance the long-term viability of commercial projects.

Enhanced Collaboration Tools

The rise of digital collaboration tools will further enhance the site assessment process. Cloud-based platforms will allow real-time sharing of data and insights among team members, facilitating better communication and decision-making. This increased collaboration will lead to more efficient and effective assessments.


In conclusion, a thorough site assessment is crucial for the success of any commercial construction project. By understanding the site assessment process, leveraging modern technology, addressing common challenges, and following best practices, you can ensure a solid foundation for your project. The future of site assessments looks bright, with advancements in AI, sustainability, and collaboration tools paving the way for even more efficient and effective assessments.

If you’re ready to start a new build or renovation, don’t hesitate to reach out to our expert team. Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 to get started on your Indianapolis commercial construction project and ensure a successful outcome from the very beginning.

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Plan for Success: The Value of Preconstruction Services for Commercial Builds

Commercial construction is a complex and multifaceted industry, where milestones and intricacies must align seamlessly to bring ambitious projects to life. One critical component that often separates the mundane from the magnificent is the preconstruction phase. The series of services leading up to the actual groundbreaking can dictate the direction and success of a commercial build.

This blog post will explore the invaluable role of preconstruction services for stakeholders in the commercial building sphere, from developers to investors and business professionals. We’ll investigate why involving preconstruction teams early can not only streamline the project but also enhance its overall quality and success.

Call 317-253-0531 for Commercial Preconstruction Solutions in Indianapolis
Call 317-253-0531 for Commercial Preconstruction Solutions in Indianapolis

Understanding Preconstruction Services

Before we dig into their impact, it’s essential to define what we mean by preconstruction services. This phase of a commercial build involves all the planning and preparation work before actual construction begins. It’s a strategic period that sets the stage for an efficient and effective building process.

Preconstruction services encompass:

Design and Cost Management
Collaborating with architects and engineers to balance design aspirations with financial constraints.

Site Evaluation and Utilization
Identifying the ideal location and optimal use of the commercial space.

Scheduling and Planning
Drafting a comprehensive timeline and strategy to meet project goals and deadline.

Risk Assessment
Evaluating potential hazards and challenges to preempt and solve them proactively.

The importance of these services cannot be overstated. Early alignment of stakeholders, clear communication, and strategic planning result in reduced costs, minimized delays, and a more thoroughly structured project.

Benefits for Commercial Developers

The firsthand beneficiaries of robust preconstruction planning are commercial developers. They are the visionaries tasked with bringing bold commercial spaces from concept to reality.

For developers, preconstruction services offer:

Accurate Cost Estimation
An informed understanding of the financial investment required for a project.

Value Engineering
Suggesting alternative materials and methods to maximize value without compromising on quality.

Risk Mitigation
Preemptive solutions to minimize the impact of unexpected variables on the construction phase.

By leveraging preconstruction services, developers ensure the commercial building is not just a realized dream but also a financially viable asset for the future.

Advantages for Real Estate Investors

Investors are on the lookout for sound opportunities and returns on their investment. The preconstruction phase is where these aspirations are translated into an executable plan.

Preconstruction services provide:

Enhanced ROI Analysis
In-depth assessments that help investors make informed decisions and maximize returns.

Market Research
Insights that help align the project with current and future market demands.

Comprehensive Project Coordination
Seamless orchestration of various elements to ensure a successful, timely completion.

Ultimately, the meticulous groundwork done during preconstruction ensures that the building’s potential, in terms of cash flow and asset appreciation, can be actualized.

Value for Business Owners and Franchisers

For business owners and franchisers, the commercial space is more than just bricks and mortar. It’s the foundation of operations and the space where their brand and business identity take shape.

Preconstruction services deliver:

Customization and Branding Considerations
Design and layout options that reflect the unique aspects of the business.

Compliance and Regulatory Support
Navigating the complex web of building codes, permits, and regulations.

Quality Control
Ensuring the finished product aligns with the highest standards of quality and functionality.

Involvement in the preconstruction phase enables business owners to wield significant influence over the development of a space tailored to not just their needs, but to create a strategic advantage in the marketplace.

Final Thoughts

In a competitive market where time and resources are precious commodities, the diligence of preconstruction sets the standard for efficiency and sustainable success. It’s a proactive investment that pays dividends in the form of reduced costs, increased ROI, and a more robust commercial offering.

The call to action is clear. For those on the cusp of a commercial build, involving preconstruction experts from the outset is not just best practice — it’s a recipe for triumph in the construction industry.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your commercial project, reach out to our professionals. Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for commercial preconstruction and space planning service in Indianapolis, Indiana. From space planning and permitting to design build construction, we are your one-stop-shop for all your commercial construction and building needs.

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The Basics of High Rise Architecture and Design

Commercial real estate investors are fully aware that the availability of land and space is quickly dwindling. Perhaps this could be the reason why so many high-rise buildings are being constructed these days. If you are a developer looking to build new real estate in a crowded city with a rapidly-growing population, you too would be wise to consider high-rise construction.

Continue reading to review some important basics you want to know about high-rise architecture and design.

High Rise Construction Company Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531
High Rise Construction Company Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

Commercial High Rise Preconstruction Planning

Whether you are building a high-rise for residential or commercial applications, the most important step in the process is to have a solid plan in place. Commercial preconstruction service is an excellent approach to planning a high-rise build, and with the help of a licensed commercial construction management company in Indiana, you can achieve great results with your project.

During the process of commercial preconstruction, you can expect to review and decide on all aspects of the build from start to finish. This includes lot procurement, building codes and permits, architectural design, interior design, supplier arrangements, and all other phases that take place prior to breaking ground.

Overall, building a high-rise property is a complex project that requires the astute management of a qualified commercial general contracting company. After all, high-rise projects are a riddle in themselves being that the goal is to build a space-saving property that can fit potentially thousands of occupants. But once the space is established and planned out, there are still some framework, design, and structural stability considerations to keep in mind.

Framework Considerations for High-Rise Buildings

When you are planning a high-rise build, you want to think about how many, and which types of occupants will be using it. Is it an office building? Is it a residential property? Will there be tenants, employees, or guests? Will there be a combination of staff and guests, like a hotel? It is important to have a full comprehension of the expected general capacity for your high-rise building in order to accommodate the needs of the occupants inside. This means determining how many stories your building will have, how much space will be incorporated into each level, how many rooms or offices on each level, the number of bathrooms required for each level, the extent of ADA compliancy you will be incorporating, and much more.

High-Rise Design Considerations

Although designing is the fun phase of any building project, it is one to take seriously when it comes to high-rise development. Commercial real estate investors and developers can choose to put their own custom or personalized touches on the design or opt for a more generalized and neutral design palette. There is much opportunity for versatility in the design phase of high-rise new construction project. Most high-rise developers appeal to the idea of putting a unique and eye-popping feature on the outside of their buildings or in the overall exterior structure of their buildings. This is something to think about during the design phase of your high-rise construction project. Just keep in mind that function is still most important when it comes to any type of new construction build.

Structural Stability Considerations

High-rise buildings are unique in the architectural design and commercial construction world. At such great heights, they are more exposed to inclement weather conditions like strong winds, UV rays, extreme temperatures, and more. And because of their high structure, they are even more vulnerable in terms of natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornadoes. For this reason, it is important to consider your budget in terms of materials. High-rise buildings require double reinforcement of structural steel and concrete to be resistant to inclement weather conditions like winds and temperature changes, so you will need to be sure you have room in the budget for this before anything else.

Would you like to learn more about your commercial construction and development project ideas? Are you looking for a trusted commercial construction company in Indy but unsure where to begin? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for comprehensive commercial preconstruction management services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We work with clients all throughout the state.

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Choosing Between Panelized Construction and Stick Frame Construction

If you are a commercial real estate investor or business owner preparing for a new build, you get to make all the design and building decisions. The type of framing for your construction project will be one of them. Currently, the top two construction framing applications are panelized and stick frame construction. Continue below to learn more about choosing between stick frame construction and panelized construction, plus where to get started with preconstruction planning in Central Indiana.

Commercial Construction Firm Indiana 317-253-0531
Commercial Construction Firm Indiana 317-253-0531

Building Options for New Construction

There are several building options available in the commercial construction industry. Paneled and stick frame construction have climbed the popularity ladder for their many benefits, yet they still come with some drawbacks. The right building option for you will depend on a few variables, one of which being your construction specifications.

Stick Frame Construction

Stick frame construction is a common building option that is considered to be the most traditional construction framing approach. For most, stick frame construction is the image that comes to mind when imagining a framed building structure on an active construction zone. Using the stick frame construction approach, loose lumber and materials are delivered to the site, then builders construct the framing of the building onsite. This is a common approach chosen by investors who do not have access to panelized metal fabrication in their region, cannot wait for customized panel delivery, or do not have enough time to plan more intricate design and build specifications.

Stick frame construction comes with many advantages. It allows for flexibility of design and modifications. It also a faster approach to construction because lumber is more widely available, easy to customize and deliver, and easy to work with. With stick frame construction, projects can break ground sooner and get done quicker.

On the downside, stick frame construction can pose some scheduling and budgeting risks. Many circumstances can affect both the availability of lumber and the integrity of the wood. Weather, natural disasters, economic influences, lumber demand, and supply chains can all delay construction projects, which can also have an impact on cost.

Panelized Construction

Opposite of stick frame, panelized construction involves using framing materials that are fabricated off-site, then transported to the construction site for final assembly. These pre-fabricated panels are typically reserved for flooring and walls, requiring large and heavy machinery to secure them into place.  Because construction panels are manufactured at an off-site factory, there is notably less construction waste and leftover scrap material. Not only is this good for the environment, but it keeps costs down too. Panel framing is customizable and can be applied in a wide range of combinations, such as framing and exterior sheathing only, or exterior finishes with interior mechanical rough-in piping, and much more.

Paneled construction framing does require more time and attention during the planning and design phase. It can pose some challenges too. This building option is the costlier approach, often requiring additional expenses like shipping costs and expedite fees. And once the panels are fabricated and installed, little to no modifications can be made. This is why it is critical to have enough time to devote to the design phase.  

Are you ready to begin the planning and preconstruction process for your new commercial build in Indiana? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for professional commercial construction in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial and industrial clients all throughout Central Indiana.

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How Much Does Commercial Building Demolition Cost?

Procuring a new commercial property is an exciting venture, but not all come turnkey. Demolition is often a standard phase of the preconstruction process. Many commercial real estate developers and investors purchase preowned properties that require demolition and lot clearing before new construction can begin. If you are faced with the responsibility of hiring a demolition company to clear out your lot before breaking ground, your first thoughts are likely focused on cost.

Continue reading to learn the average costs of commercial building demolition, plus who to trust for streamlined preconstruction services in Central Indiana.

Commercial Demolition Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531
Commercial Demolition Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

The Average Costs of Demolishing a Commercial Building

The costs associated with commercial building demolition are ever-changing. Currently, you can expect to pay relatively economical rates to demolish a commercial building; per square foot, commercial demolition rates range from $4 to $8.

In the United States, the average commercial building demolition costs around $30,000. This is based on the average commercial building size of 5,000 square feet. Larger commercial buildings will obviously have higher demolition expenses. Smaller commercial buildings may have less expensive demolition costs.

What to Expect From the Commercial Demolition Process

🏗 Building Measurements

The first step to coordinating the demolition for a commercial building is to have the property measured. A tape measurer can sometimes do the job, but for larger or more complexly-designed properties, a professional surveyor will need to do the measuring. The more accurate your measurements, the more accurate your total expenditure will be.

🏗 Asbestos and Radon Removal

A building must be inspected for asbestos and radon before moving forward with demolition plans. If asbestos and radon are discovered, then a specialized team must be hired to remove asbestos and/or radon in accordance with all EPA guidelines. This would be an additional cost to demolition, typically averaging around $3 per square foot.

🏗 Demolition Company

At this point in the process, an investor or building owner would be ready outsource commercial demolition services. It is important to select a skilled and seasoned demolition contractor who specializes in commercial work. It is recommended to hire an Indianapolis commercial general contracting company for comprehensive commercial construction services, including demolition, design, and construction.

🏗 Permits for Demolition

Although the commercial demolition company typically handles the permit acquisition, an investor or building owner may be responsible for covering the costs. The cost of a demolition permit can vary greatly among projects. In most cases, they are a few hundred dollars or so. But in other cases, they may cost an upwards of $10,000 or more. This might happen in areas where demolition is strongly discouraged.

🏗 Preconstruction Site Cleanup

Once the demolition is complete, the site needs to be cleaned up and cleared off to allow for future construction. This phase of the demolition process is referred to as post-demolition cleanup or preconstruction site cleanup. Some demolition contractors include this stage as part of their services, but not all.

If the demolition company does not offer post-work cleanup, an investor would need to hire a separate company for the job. The cost of post-demolition cleanup can also greatly vary depending on the size and scope of the demolition. Expenses that will add to the total cost of demolition site cleanup include dumpster rentals, hauling costs, landfill costs, and processing costs.

Dumpster Rentals – This can cost anywhere between $300 and $3000. It depends on the size of the containers, how many days they are rented, and which services are chosen (i.e. drop off, pickup, etc.).

Hauling – Hauling costs usually average around $1000 but can be more for larger-scope cleanups.

Landfill Fees – Having garbage and scrap transported to a landfill is not free. These costs typically average around $50 per ton of scrap.

Are you ready to move forward with your commercial demolition project in Indiana? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 to speak with an expert Indianapolis commercial general contractor about your commercial preconstruction needs and options, today. We serve clients in all industries and throughout all of Central Indiana.

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What to Consider When Selecting a New Investment Property

Many experts will agree that investing in commercial real estate is a wise endeavor. Several of the most successful businesswomen and men in the world have an investment property or two within their portfolios. If you are currently searching for some income-generating commercial real estate to invest in, continue below to review some top considerations that will help you be the most successful with your business enterprise.

Commercial Preconstruction Indianapolis IN 317-253-0531
Commercial Preconstruction Indianapolis IN 317-253-0531

Commercial Real Estate Research

When you are preparing to view potential investment properties, research and strategy are essential. The more you know, the more successful you will be in choosing the right properties for your business objectives. Ultimately, you want your commercial property to produce income. In order to achieve this goal of profitability, it is critical to know what to look for. Here are 5 key considerations that will help in your search:


When it comes to real estate of any kind, location will always be a top priority, as it is always a top factor in terms of filling vacancies. Everyone looking to rent wants the best location they can find, but for commercial real estate, some locations are better than others. Think about the surrounding infrastructure, current construction activity, roadway systems, ease of access, interstate/highway entry, surrounding retail, seasonal activity, population, and more.

Existing Listings and Vacancies

Another important consideration when viewing potential income properties is the current vacancies and active listings included. Are there a high number of active listings? How reliable are they? Is the number of active leases influenced by seasonal activity or cycles? These are important questions to ask. As for vacancies, the same need applies. High vacancy could mean a future of low rental rates and mediocre profitability, while low vacancy can portend higher rental rates due to higher demand for space.

Property Taxes

Your next consideration is property tax. After all, you can’t avoid Uncle Sam, especially in the real estate industry. With each new viewing, you need to have a full understanding of the property tax requirements. But do not be scared off right away by high property taxes, as this could be an indicator of just how high in demand the location is. This is common among Class A commercial properties. Also be aware that high property taxes can exist in less desirable neighborhoods as well.

Average Rental Rates

Numbers are important for any type of investment, so knowing the average rental rates in the neighborhood and surrounding region is a vital step toward selecting the right investment property.  The rental income for an investment property is the main contributor to your investment’s profitability. You should perform a comprehensive rental history evaluation and cost foreseeability analysis to fully understand just how much rental income you might be looking at, now and in the future.

Future Development

Smart business people are forward-thinkers. And with choosing a commercial real estate investment property, it is important to understand the potential for future growth and expansion. You can rely on the municipal planning department to provide information on any localized developments that have already been zoned. Furthermore, you want to touch on the volume of construction currently taking place in the area. If there are many, it is suggestive of an area in high demand or showing significant growth, both of which would be beneficial to your bottom line.

Are you looking for a commercial management team to help you with preconstruction service in Indiana? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for preconstruction services in Indianapolis, including commercial space planning and permitting. We serve clients all throughout the state of Indiana.

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Healthcare Facility Construction Considerations for 2022

As a real estate developer preparing for a healthcare facility construction project next year, it is wise to begin your preconstruction planning process with some innovative design and technology considerations. Continue below to review some of the top medical facility construction and design trends heading into 2022, plus which company to trust for superior commercial construction services in Central Indiana.

Medical Facility Construction Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531
Medical Facility Construction Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

Technology Applications for the Medical Facility Industry

Technology is the future of the medical facility and healthcare world. Innovation and scientific breakthroughs has made our society what it is today, and as a healthcare clinic or facility, it is your moral obligation to stay current with all the new innovations and technologies available today. Evolving with the changing world of healthcare and medical treatment will set your facility apart from all the rest, setting the bar for professionalism, quality, and service.

Here are some considerations to incorporate into your preconstruction planning process for medical facility construction:

Copper Surfaces

Anti-microbial is the way to go, especially considering the tragedies that have come out of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the medical treatment industry, such protections are of the highest importance. After all, patients check in to get better, not sicker. One design approach that is taking the medical facility construction world by storm is copper-alloy touch surfaces.

Copper retains natural properties that kill microorganisms, such as disease-causing bacteria and antibiotic-resistant infections. In fact, studies have shown that copper services can kill all microbes within an hour’s time. Even the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) condones the applications of copper alloys as, “antimicrobial materials with public health benefits.”

Recommended copper-alloy touch surface installations include:

▶ Bed Tables
▶ Railing (Bed rails, handrails, stair railing, etc.)
▶ Computer Keyboards
▶ Doorknobs
▶ Faucets, Sinks and Toilet Hardware
▶ Fitness and Physical Therapy Equipment
▶ Shopping Cart Handles
▶ Countertops

Touch-Free Technologies

In addition to antimicrobial protection through the use of copper alloy surface installations, medical facility construction designers and advisors have opted for touch-free technology applications and designs. Hands-free technologies, like motion-sensor doors and automatic sink faucets, can significantly reduce the spread of germs and other illness-causing components. You may also consider touch-free designs like automated soap and hand sanitizer dispensers, voice-activated emergency assistance, and touch-free intercoms.

Are you looking for a qualified commercial construction company to navigate your healthcare building or renovation project in Indiana? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for superior medical facility construction in Indianapolis, Indiana. We work with clients all throughout the state.

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Indianapolis Commercial General Contracting and Design Build Services
Contact Us Today 317-253-0531

What You Should Know About Signage Rights as a Commercial Tenant

Many in the industry would agree that branding is an essential, if not central, element to growing a successful business. One of the most effective and traditional methods of business branding is signage. Having the name and logo outside of your business is a valuable branding approach that influences potential consumers, plus retains the loyalty of your current clients.

But if you do not own your own building, your rights to signage may not be as clear cut as you would expect. As a commercial tenant interested in adding signage for your business, there are some important considerations you must keep in mind before signing a commercial lease or moving forward with signage procurement and installation.

Continue below to learn what you need to know about signage rights for commercial tenants.

Commercial Contractors Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531
Commercial Contractors Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

Commercial Tenant Signage Rights

If you are a new or potential commercial tenant, it is important to understand that signage rights are not guaranteed. There are some commercial landlords that do not permit signage on the outside of their building or marque, and others that only allow signage within strict design and color restrictions for the purpose of uniformity.

It is also common for commercial landlords to have preexisting agreements with other tenants that impose a restriction of some kind on new tenants’ rights to business signage. In some cases, it is not up to the commercial landlord at all, as local zoning laws can also prohibit signage, or the amount of signage on or around buildings.

Negotiating Business Signage With a Commercial Landlord

Because the rights and perimeters of business signage are more complex for commercial tenants, it is wise to always inquire about business signage before signing a commercial lease. As a commercial tenant, you may be able to negotiate your signage rights if the current lease does not offer what you are looking for.

If you are already in a commercial lease, you can wait until your lease is up for renewal, and then have signage rights added to the lease. It is vital to have your negotiated or amended signage rights spelled out in writing in your lease agreement.

Common Types of Business Signage Arrangements:

Shared Building Signage

If a commercial building is shared by two tenants in equal ways, a landlord may agree to or permit a shared building signage system. With shared building signage, both commercial tenants can display their business signage on the building’s facade. This is a common signage arrangement in the commercial real estate industry.

Exclusive Building Signage

In some cases, a commercial landlord will agree to give a tenant exclusive building signage rights. This means that commercial tenant is the only business displayed on the outside of the building. This signage arrangement is most common in commercial buildings that only have one tenant or space for one tenant.

Exclusive Monument Signage

Many commercial buildings have monument signs on the outside of the parking lot or street. In such leases, it is common for landlords and tenants to adopt an exclusive monument signage arrangement. This would permit the tenant to display their business signage as a stand-alone sign or within the monument signage out front. This is most commonly reserved for key commercial tenants.

Are you looking for a trusted commercial general contractor to help you plan out your upcoming business move or redesign? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for superior commercial general contracting services in Indianapolis, Indiana.We serve commercial and industrial clients all throughout the state.

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Indianapolis Commercial General Contracting and Design Build Services
Contact Us Today 317-253-0531

Choosing Between Underground Parking and At-Grade Parking

As you prepare to plan your upcoming commercial construction project, be sure to review your parking system options before making any final blueprint approvals. Choosing between underground parking and at-grade parking is a significant decision that can impact the overall success of your business.

The parking lot solution that best fits your company’s needs and business objectives will depend on various factors, including your budget, type of clientele, location, localized market, and even your own personal investment preferences. For this reason, it is strongly encouraged to consult with in Indianapolis commercial general contracting company for personalized advice and guidance on planning the right parking lot solutions for your company.

In the meantime, continue reading to review some of the top considerations for both underground parking and at-grade surface parking, as well as who to trust for superior commercial construction service in Central Indiana.

Indiana Parking Lot Construction 317-253-0531
Indiana Parking Lot Construction 317-253-0531

Commercial Parking Solutions For Your Business

Whether you choose a parking garage or open parking lot complex, you still have the choice of building it above ground, known as “at-grade” parking in the construction and real estate industries, or below-ground, which would actually require a garage system.

So, how do you know which type of parking system is the best choice for you? Well, let’s start with some important comparisons and considerations for both:

Underground Parking Considerations

When it comes to your budget, keep in mind that underground parking is going to be more expensive than surface parking. There are some obvious reasons for this, being additional excavation, structural support, labor, materials, organic disposal requirements, and so forth.

However, there are also some reasons that are not so apparent, such as local building and zoning codes, underground utility systems, regional climate and soil conditions, and various other factors that play an important role in determining the overall cost of building an underground parking system.

If you are building more than one level underground, it will add even more to the total expenses of the project. This is why most commercial proprietors and real estate developers never build deeper than two parking levels.

Another important factor to consider when choosing between underground and above-ground parking is curb appeal. It is suggested that underground parking systems are more aesthetically pleasing, which can add value to your property and attract more business traffic.

For commercial premises that have limited at-grade parking space, incorporating an underground parking system can be a viable solution to insufficient parking capacity. The same solution applies to commercial properties that have at grade water drainage and shoring problems.

At-Grade Surface Parking Consideration

First and foremost, surface parking construction and maintenance are generally a lot cheaper than building a parking system underground. Typically paved in asphalt, you can expect the average cost of an at-grade parking lot to cost around $4 dollars per square foot. Paved concrete costs an average of $7 dollars per square foot. Additionally, whether asphalt or concrete, the average cost of parking lot construction is typically between $1,500 and $3,000 per stall.

If you are building a surface level parking garage, you can expect the cost to be even higher since there will be an additional need for structural supports, materials, labor, building permits, and more.

A potential downfall to surface parking lot systems is land space. At-grade parking is sometimes not the best option for areas with limited or valuable land space. Certain municipalities and jurisdictions do not allow such construction in some areas because of the limited space or high value of the land.

Although surface parking is typically cheaper when it comes to construction costs, there are times when aesthetic and structural renovations are necessary, which add to the total cost of a project.

Are you still not sure which type of commercial parking system is best for your business in Indiana? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for professional commercial construction services in Indianapolis Indiana. We serve clients all throughout the state.

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Indianapolis Commercial General Contracting and Design Build Services
Contact Us Today 317-253-0531