The Essential Guide to Design-Build Construction for New Businesses

Launching a new business or startup is an endeavor filled with excitement, challenges, and a multitude of decisions – big and small. One such significant decision often at the forefront of a startup’s operation is the choice of physical space and the construction that will bring its vision to life. The design and construction of your business’s physical space is a reflection of your brand, culture, and aspirations. It serves as the canvas on which your corporate story is painted.

For many entrepreneurs, opting for the design-build (DB) construction model has numerous benefits, especially when time and resources are precious commodities. This comprehensive guide explores the intricacies of design-build construction and outlines why it’s the ideal framework for new businesses. From a quicker time to market to a more cohesive approach to your project’s development, we break down the vital components every startup should consider when constructing their new location.

Call 317-253-0531 for Commercial Design Build Construction in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-253-0531 for Commercial Design Build Construction in Indianapolis Indiana

The ABCs of Design-Build Construction

The design-build model consolidates the design and commercial construction processes into a single project entity. This approach contrasts with the traditional design-bid-build model where each phase is handled by different parties. In design-build, the commercial construction firm takes on both the architectural design as well as the actual construction, streamlining project delivery and promoting a more collaborative way of working.

For startups and new businesses, design-build offers a comprehensive method that aligns well with their dynamic needs. From co-working spaces to specialized tech centers, the design-build model has proven to be the foundation that supports innovation and agility.

Why Choose Design-Build for Your New Business

The advantages of design-build for new businesses are significant and far-reaching. Here’s why many entrepreneurs are opting for this construction paradigm.

Streamlined Process and Accountability

In the design-build approach, there’s a single point of contact throughout the construction project. This not only streamlines communication but also ensures that accountability rests with one party. For startups with lean operational structures, this direct line of communication can be a game-changer, providing clarity and a means to track the project’s progression with ease.

Speed and Savings

When time-to-market is vital, design-build stands out for its quicker project delivery. With the design and construction team working in tandem from the project inception, start-to-finish timelines are often significantly reduced. This swift approach also translates to cost savings, as there’s less likelihood for time delays and miscommunications that can result in budget overruns.

Collaboration is Key

Unlike the traditional model, design-build fosters a collaborative environment. The constant interaction between architects and builders means designs are not just aesthetically pleasing but also practical and cost-efficient. This coherence from the initial concept to the final nail being driven helps ensure that you get the space you envisioned, without any surprises.

Navigating the Design-Build Process

While the design-build commercial construction model offers a unified framework, it’s important for new businesses to be actively involved in key stages of the project. Here are the considerations that can make or break your design-build experience.

Understanding & Defining the Scope

Clearly defining the project scope is the lynchpin of a successful design-build venture. Ambiguity at this stage can lead to misunderstandings and unsatisfactory outcomes. Startups should work closely with the design-build team to articulate their vision and strategic business goals for the space.

Experience Counts

The success of the design-build model hinges on the expertise of the integrated team. New businesses should vet potential design-build firms, looking not only at past projects but also at the team’s ability to understand the unique requirements of a startup environment.

Budgeting for Newbie Entrepreneurs

For startups with limited capital, the design-build model offers financial clarity from the outset. Engage in open discussions about the budget at the start and secure fees and estimates in writing. Make sure there’s a plan for any potential cost escalations due to unforeseen circumstances.

The Design-Build Model as an Innovation Hub

In an age where innovation is a currency, startups can harness the design-build model to create spaces that inspire creativity, foster collaboration, and reflect the agility of the business.

Trendspotting in Design-Build Construction

Design-build adapts to evolving trends not only in architecture and construction technology but also in workplace design and business needs. From sustainable practices to flexible and adaptable spaces, the design-build method is at the forefront of transformation within the built environment.

Meeting the Current Needs of Startups

Modern startups often require spaces that can flex and adapt as they grow and pivot. The design-build model can cater to these dynamic needs, creating environments that are more than just static offices but ecosystems for innovation to thrive.


In the fast-paced world of startups and new ventures, the choices you make early on can have lasting effects. Design-build construction stands out as a pragmatic and forward-thinking approach that can set the stage for your business’s success. By choosing design-build, you’re not just constructing a physical space; you’re nurturing an environment that can grow with your business, foster your culture, and support your strategic objectives.

For future-forward entrepreneurs seeking a holistic and efficient way to bring their new business from concept to reality, the design-build approach could be what propels them ahead of the pack. Are you ready to build your visionary business space with the efficiency and innovation that design-build promises? It’s time to take that first step and transform your entrepreneurial dreams into a tangible, thriving enterprise.

For a more personalized approach to your new business’s construction needs, don’t hesitate to consult a professional design-build firm. They can guide you through the process, helping you to make the best decisions for your unique venture. With the right partnership, your startup’s space can become the launchpad for all your future achievements.

Are you wondering which Indiana commercial general contracting company to trust for your upcoming commercial build or remodel? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for comprehensive design-build (DB) commercial construction and general contracting services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We work with clients all throughout the state.

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Mastering the Art of Small Business Remodeling: A Guide to Success

Small and midsized businesses (SMB) form the backbone of local economies, and keeping their physical spaces vibrant, functional, and inviting is crucial for long-term success. Remodeling might seem like a luxury or an unnecessary expense, but it can be an astute investment in the competitive edge and growth of your SMB enterprise. This comprehensive guide is designed to provide small business owners and entrepreneurs with the necessary insights and strategies to undertake a successful remodeling project.

In this post, we’ll start by dissecting the necessity of renovating a business location, move on to preparations for a remodeling project, and conclude with tips for seamless execution and post-renovation considerations. Whether you’re aiming to revamp your retail store to attract new customers or create a more efficient workspace for your growing team, the knowledge you gain here will set you on the right path.

Call 317-253-0531 for Small Business Remodeling in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-253-0531 for Small Business Remodeling in Indianapolis Indiana

Understanding the Need for Small Business Remodeling

Enhancing Customer Experience and Business Operations

Your business environment speaks volumes about your brand and can significantly impact customer perceptions. A well-thought-out design can facilitate smoother operations, improve customer flow, and boost sales. Remodeling allows you to adjust to changing market trends, update your image, and ensure that your space aligns with the current needs and expectations of your target demographic.

Recognizing Signs of Necessity

It’s essential to pick up on the cues that indicate your SMB space is in need of a refresh. These might include declining foot traffic, outdated fixtures, or a layout that no longer supports your business activities. Even more critical is staying compliant with safety codes and accessibility standards, which might change over time.

Planning Your Business’s Remodeling Project

Assessing Your Space and Needs

Start by evaluating how well your current commercial space meets your business requirements. This might involve conducting customer surveys, cost forseeability charting, analyzing sales data, or simply assessing how functional your workspace is for your team. Collecting this information is key to informing the design phase.

Setting Realistic Budgets and Timelines

Financial planning is often a roadblock for small businesses considering remodeling. However, setting a clear budget and a feasible timeline is not just a formality—it’s the key to ensuring that your project is viable. Factor in unexpected expenses and leave a cushion for any delays.

Navigating Permits and Approvals

The legal side of remodeling is often overlooked but can be a significant hurdle. Ensure that you are aware of all the local zoning laws, building codes, and necessary permits. Failing to do so can lead to costly penalties or even halt your remodeling project.

Choosing the Right Commercial Remodeling Contractor

Selecting a Reliable Partner

Your contractor will be the linchpin of your project. Look for experienced professionals with a track record of completing projects on time and within budget. Referrals and testimonials are valuable tools for narrowing down your options.

Understanding Small and Mid-Sized Business Needs

A contractor who understands the unique challenges and space constraints of small businesses can be an invaluable resource. They should be able to offer insights and solutions tailored to your specific industry and objectives.

Designing for Success

Balancing Form and Function

Good design doesn’t just look pretty; it serves a purpose. Work with an interior designer to create a space that not only reflects your brand but also maximizes efficiency and customer comfort.

Making the Most of Limited Space

Small and moderately sized businesses often have to make do with less. Clever design choices, such as multi-purpose fixtures, vertical displays, and light colors, can give the illusion of space and optimize every square foot of your establishment.

Executing a Commercial Remodeling Project

Minimizing Disruptions

A major concern for small business owners is the impact a remodeling project can have on daily operations. Develop a comprehensive plan with your contractor to minimize disruptions, possibly by working during off-hours or in stages to keep parts of the business running.

Strengthening Communication

Effective communication is vital throughout the remodeling process. Regular updates and a clear line of communication with your remodeling team will help keep the project on track and alleviate any worries you might have.

Post-Remodeling Considerations

Ensuring Safety and Compliance

Your newly remodeled space should not only be aesthetically pleasing but also safe and compliant with all building regulations. Conduct thorough inspections and address any issues promptly.

Promoting Your Fresh Look

Once your remodeling project is complete, it’s time to show it off. Use your marketing channels to spread the word about your updated space and invite customers to experience it for themselves. A grand reopening event or special promotions can help reintroduce your business in a compelling way.


Small business remodeling holds the potential to revitalize your brand, improve your operations, and cement your presence in the local community. It is an investment in the long-term sustainability and success of your venture. By carefully planning, selecting the right partners, and executing the project with finesse, you can achieve a space that inspires both your customers and your team.

For personalized advice and support on your small or midsized business remodeling endeavor, reach out to our expert team. We look forward to assisting you in creating a space that resonates with your vision and drives your business forward. Remember, your space is a tangible expression of your brand—make it count.

Are you a small or midsized business owner who wishes to improve the look, function, and overall success of your space? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for professional commercial remodeling in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve clients in all industries and throughout all of Central Indiana.

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Is Light Industrial Construction Right For Your New Build?

Industrial construction, often associated with vast spaces and bulky equipment, has experienced a transformation. The emergence of light industrial construction has brought with it a fresh take on efficiency, sustainability, and adaptability. But is this innovative approach to construction suitable for your new project?

If you’re a real estate developer, commercial property owner, or business owner considering a new build, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the valuable aspects of light industrial construction, helping you decide if this is the right path for your next venture.

Call 317-253-0531 for Light Industrial Construction Solutions in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-253-0531 for Light Industrial Construction Solutions in Indianapolis Indiana

Understanding Light Industrial Construction

In its essence, light industrial construction refers to a building framework designed according to specific industry standards that encourages smooth and efficient operations. This type of construction is characterized by steel or concrete structures with large open spaces to allow for functional movement and optimal workflow. Its primary goal is to create spaces that accommodate equipment, inventory, and operational needs without sacrificing aesthetics or comfort.

The Modular Edge

One of the key advantages of light industrial construction is its modular design, allowing for a quicker build thanks to prefabricated elements. This not only cuts down on construction time but also reduces expenses by minimizing waste and optimizing material usage.

Eco-Friendly Footprint

Light industrial construction is more environmentally friendly than its traditional counterparts. The emphasis on sustainability includes the use of energy-efficient materials, waste reduction systems, and sustainable building practices, which can all lead to a smaller environmental footprint for your project.

Considerations for Real Estate Developers

For real estate developers, a project’s success hinges on a delicate balance of factors. Light industrial construction offers several unique advantages over traditional building methods that can significantly impact the development process.


The modularity of light industrial construction can substantially reduce overall costs. With less time spent on-site assembling components, labor costs can decrease, and you’re less likely to encounter surprise cost overruns.

Speed of Construction

Faster construction times mean earlier occupancy and quicker returns on your investment. Light industrial construction’s simplified building techniques and minimized dependencies on factors like weather or labor shortages contribute to rapid project completion.

Flexibility in Design

Developers often need to pivot quickly to meet market changes. The design flexibility offered by modular construction allows for easy adaptations, should you need to modify your units to meet new demand or comply with zoning regulations.

Benefits for Commercial Property Owners

Commercial property owners stand to benefit the most from the long-term advantages that light industrial construction provides.

Maintenance Requirements

Light industrial buildings typically have lower maintenance needs, thanks to the durable materials and rigorous engineering. This can translate to significant ongoing savings and a reduction in maintenance-related headaches.

Energy Efficiency

With a growing emphasis on green practices, the energy efficiency inherent in light industrial construction can be a major selling point. Lower energy costs can make your property more attractive to environmentally conscious tenants and businesses.


Modern enterprises need space that can grow with them. The scalable nature of light industrial construction means you can easily expand existing structures without major disruption or the need for additional large-scale construction.

Is Light Industrial Construction Suitable for Business Owners?

If you’re considering a light industrial project from the perspective of a business owner, it’s important to weigh the unique benefits of this construction method against your specific operational needs and the regulatory landscape of your industry.

Customization Options

Your business needs are often highly specialized. Light industrial construction’s adaptability allows for custom-built spaces that precisely match your operational demands, increasing productivity and efficiency.

Operational Efficiencies

The open layouts and flexible designs encourage streamline workflow and process optimization. Business operations can benefit from a work environment tailored to support the specific needs of your industry.

Regulatory Considerations

Different industries come with various building code requirements. Engaging with construction companies well-versed in light industrial building can ensure your project complies with all the necessary regulations, avoiding potential setbacks or additional costs.


Light industrial construction stands as an innovative solution that emphasizes efficiency, adaptability, and sustainability without compromising on the functionality or appeal of the end product. Whether you’re a real estate developer seeking a competitive edge, a commercial property owner pursuing a sound investment, or a business owner looking for a conducive space to enhance your operations, the unique features of light industrial construction merit serious consideration.

In a world where business landscapes are ever-evolving, the agility and cost-effectiveness that light industrial construction offers can be a decisive factor in the success of your new build. As you explore the possibility of employing this method for your construction needs, take the time to conduct thorough research, seek out experienced professionals, and evaluate how these approaches align with your long-term objectives.

Should you choose to take this path, you’ll be stepping into a new era of industrial construction, well-prepared to enjoy the benefits this modern approach can offer. Remember that every project is as unique as the people behind it, and the best decisions are those informed by a careful and informed consideration of all options available. Your venture deserves nothing less.

Are you preparing to dive into the world of industrial or factory construction planning? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for professional industrial construction services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial and industrial clients all throughout Central Indiana.

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Why Space Planning Construction is So Valuable For Businesses

Do not make the mistake of thinking that space planning and design is the same thing as interior design services. Space planning construction is one of the most valuable elements of a business plan. Not only does proper space planning and design deliver enhanced efficiency, in terms of both energy and staff productivity, but also attracts more clientele and customers.

Continue reading to learn why space planning construction is so valuable for your business, plus who to trust in central Indiana for premier space planning services for commercial properties.

Indiana Space Planning Commercial Construction 317-253-0531
Indiana Space Planning Commercial Construction 317-253-0531

Why Choose Commercial Space Planning Services

Commercial space planning best benefits commercial businesses like offices, retail stores, restaurants and similar commercial spaces that serve clients or customers. By failing to incorporate smart commercial space planning and design into your commercial remodel or renovation, you are preventing yourself the opportunity to increase your customer base and yearly dividends. Not only can smart commercial space planning, increase staff contentment, thus improving their overall productivity, but it can also increase customer contentment, which can increase return business.

The most valuable benefits of commercial space planning and design all contribute to your business’s overall success. Let’s take a closer look:

Reduce Wasted Space

When it comes to owning and operating a business, waste is something you want to mitigate as much as possible. As for the square and cubic footage of your actual facility or office, the same principle applies. Smart space planning and design will allow you to reduce wasted space in the work environment, allowing you to make the most of your property.

Attract and Keep Business

It is confidently suggested that a well-planned space, whether an office or restaurant, is more impressionable on a customer or client. A good first impression is essential for repeat business and business that renders higher margins. If your space is poorly designed or sloppily organized, it will leave a bad impression on customers and clients, which is likely to negatively influence their opinion of your company and the services or products it offers.

Maintain High Employee Productivity

As mentioned earlier, a space that is well designed and planned out will make employees happier because they are more comfortable, plus they are given a platform that allows them to do their work efficiently and with a higher level of convenience. In turn, this increases employee productivity, which directly impacts your bottom line.

Plan For Future Expansion

Most business owners have plans to grow their company, and a well-planned space can allow you to make these renovations and build outs as needed. Space planning and design that incorporates a plan for future expansion will allow you to cost-effectively accommodate any growth you experience in your company.

Are you looking for a trusted commercial general contracting company in Indy but unsure where to begin? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for comprehensive commercial space planning and permitting in Indianapolis, Indiana. We work with clients all throughout the state.

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Naturally Replenishing Energy Sources for Commercial Facilities

Renewable energy is a gainfully popular alternative to conventional energy sourcing among today’s commercial real estate and construction industry. More and more proprietors are joining the money-saving, Eco-friendly initiative to conserve energy and with it, our environment as a whole. As a real estate developer, business owner, investor, or even office manager, there are several ways you can contribute to this environmentally conscious movement, including improved waste management, recycling, repurposing, energy efficient appliances, and much more.

As for energy to power your commercial edifices and facilities, most businesses operate on gas, propane, or electricity. But if energy efficient options appeal to you, then continue below for a brief review of the top naturally replenishing energy sources for commercial facilities and buildings, plus who to trust for superior commercial general contracting services for procurement and installation of such systems.

Commercial Energy Systems Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531
Commercial Energy Systems Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

Top Renewable Energy Options For Commercial Real Estate

Geothermal Power

Geothermal power is an effective energy source alternative. And you don’t have to live in a geologically active area with geysers and magma! Over the course of several years, innovative technology has been developed and improved upon for commercial geothermal applications. Geothermal energy is derived from heat within the inside of the Earth. Just a few feet under you, the internal ground temperature remains a steady 50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit, regardless of the above ground temperature! To provide heating and cooling for a commercial facility using geothermal power, a geothermal heat pump is installed that circulates fluid through a system of underground pipes. Then, a heat exchanger inside the building removes the heat from the liquid and conditions the home as demanded.

Wind Power

If you have gone on any recent road trips through the countryside, you probably saw big, white, sky-high wind wheels in rows of many. These small wind electric systems called wind turbines are actually using the power and force of the wind to create energy. This energy is then used to power a generator, which powers farms, homes, stores, and more. Best of all, wind turbines do not burn fossil fuels, which means they do not produce air pollutants like carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and mercury. To invest in a commercial or industrial-use wind turbine, you will need to contact the U.S. Department of Energy.

Hydroelectric Power

Similar to wind power, water can also generate force; and if applied under the proper circumstances, this force can generate energy for us! Hydroelectric power systems are also similar to geothermal systems because they too use a liquid too; only the liquid is water! To use a flowing water source to provide energy for your commercial facility or property, you will need permission from local authorities. Contact the U.S. Department of Energy for information about hydroelectric generators.

Solar Power

Just like wind and water, solar power also uses a naturally occurring element to generate power. And that’s the sun! The sun gives off solar energy in the form of UV and UVB rays. The sunlight generates heat, which is captured and stored in solar panels installed on the property. These solar panels rely on the photovoltaic effect to generate electricity when exposed to sunlight. Solar energy pricing has dropped drastically so now is the time to go for it if you are interested in a renewable energy source for your commercial facility.

Are you ready to learn how to procure and erect a new energy system for your commercial property? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for comprehensive commercial renovations in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our licensed and insured commercial general contractors serve clients all throughout the state.

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Modern Building Features That Will Boost the Success of a Commercial Office

If you want to maintain your competitive edge in the world of business, it is important to design your commercial office building in a way that sets you up for long-term success. This resolve is important whether you are looking to build a new commercial office building or lease an existing one. Modern features are a key element to achieving a well-designed and functional business center.

Continue below to review some of the leading modern building features to look for when designing or procuring a new commercial office building.

Commercial Office Build Outs Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531
Commercial Office Build Outs Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

Modern Office Building Features


No matter what kind of office space you are designing or looking for, you will need fast and dependable internet connection. When running a business, it is important to have the absolute best Wi-Fi and internet package available, regardless of industry or budget.

Energy Efficient Advancements

Commercial office buildings see a lot of traffic and consume a lot of energy. Making energy efficient upgrades and improvements anywhere possible in the blueprints is an effective way to reduce operational costs and support environmental sustainability. Think solar paneling and power, wind turbines, energy efficient windows and doors, touchless technologies, and LEED construction and design.

Greater Security

Commercial office buildings are significant investments, but more importantly, the provide a work and business space for several people, people who require protection against foreseeable dangers. Modern buildings are designed with enhanced security in various aspects, from camera and video monitoring to electric gates, digital keypad locking systems, on-site patrol, ADA compliancy, fire suppression systems, and more.

Employee Lounges

Commercial office buildings rely on the productivity and adeptness of their staff to make the daily operations table turn at a predictable and effectual speed. By providing staff with comfortable break rooms, community workspaces, and basic lounge areas, you can support employee contentment. Happier employees show up on time, perform better, and look forward to growing with the company.

Cafes and Fitness Centers

Designing space for a lobby cafeteria, food court, or even a simple coffee and muffin stand can add a great deal of value to your investment. Fitness centers and spas are other highly valuable modern features sought out by commercial real estate investors and business owners looking for new office space.

Outdoor Work and Break Spaces

Like employee lounges, outdoor workspaces and break areas can significantly increase the value and demand for a commercial office building. Right now, one of the top modern building features trending among the commercial real estate industry are rooftop decks. Similar to rooftop decks, outdoor terraces, patios, and plazas work well to support staff contentment and productivity.

Adjustable Conference Rooms

Another highly sought-after feature that is being added to commercial office building design plans more and more each year are adjustable conference rooms. Businesses grow, plus they house all sorts of people, from staff and consumers to visitors, contractors, guests, and more. With plenty of conference  space, especially conference rooms that can be adjusted in size depending on your space needs at the time, you can accommodate your company’s operational needs and growth goals in a cost-effective manner.

Are you looking for professional help with designing or procuring a new commercial office space here in Indiana? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for commercial office remodeling and commercial-use construction in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve clients all throughout the state.

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The Basics of High Rise Architecture and Design

Commercial real estate investors are fully aware that the availability of land and space is quickly dwindling. Perhaps this could be the reason why so many high-rise buildings are being constructed these days. If you are a developer looking to build new real estate in a crowded city with a rapidly-growing population, you too would be wise to consider high-rise construction.

Continue reading to review some important basics you want to know about high-rise architecture and design.

High Rise Construction Company Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531
High Rise Construction Company Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

Commercial High Rise Preconstruction Planning

Whether you are building a high-rise for residential or commercial applications, the most important step in the process is to have a solid plan in place. Commercial preconstruction service is an excellent approach to planning a high-rise build, and with the help of a licensed commercial construction management company in Indiana, you can achieve great results with your project.

During the process of commercial preconstruction, you can expect to review and decide on all aspects of the build from start to finish. This includes lot procurement, building codes and permits, architectural design, interior design, supplier arrangements, and all other phases that take place prior to breaking ground.

Overall, building a high-rise property is a complex project that requires the astute management of a qualified commercial general contracting company. After all, high-rise projects are a riddle in themselves being that the goal is to build a space-saving property that can fit potentially thousands of occupants. But once the space is established and planned out, there are still some framework, design, and structural stability considerations to keep in mind.

Framework Considerations for High-Rise Buildings

When you are planning a high-rise build, you want to think about how many, and which types of occupants will be using it. Is it an office building? Is it a residential property? Will there be tenants, employees, or guests? Will there be a combination of staff and guests, like a hotel? It is important to have a full comprehension of the expected general capacity for your high-rise building in order to accommodate the needs of the occupants inside. This means determining how many stories your building will have, how much space will be incorporated into each level, how many rooms or offices on each level, the number of bathrooms required for each level, the extent of ADA compliancy you will be incorporating, and much more.

High-Rise Design Considerations

Although designing is the fun phase of any building project, it is one to take seriously when it comes to high-rise development. Commercial real estate investors and developers can choose to put their own custom or personalized touches on the design or opt for a more generalized and neutral design palette. There is much opportunity for versatility in the design phase of high-rise new construction project. Most high-rise developers appeal to the idea of putting a unique and eye-popping feature on the outside of their buildings or in the overall exterior structure of their buildings. This is something to think about during the design phase of your high-rise construction project. Just keep in mind that function is still most important when it comes to any type of new construction build.

Structural Stability Considerations

High-rise buildings are unique in the architectural design and commercial construction world. At such great heights, they are more exposed to inclement weather conditions like strong winds, UV rays, extreme temperatures, and more. And because of their high structure, they are even more vulnerable in terms of natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornadoes. For this reason, it is important to consider your budget in terms of materials. High-rise buildings require double reinforcement of structural steel and concrete to be resistant to inclement weather conditions like winds and temperature changes, so you will need to be sure you have room in the budget for this before anything else.

Would you like to learn more about your commercial construction and development project ideas? Are you looking for a trusted commercial construction company in Indy but unsure where to begin? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for comprehensive commercial preconstruction management services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We work with clients all throughout the state.

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Choosing Between Panelized Construction and Stick Frame Construction

If you are a commercial real estate investor or business owner preparing for a new build, you get to make all the design and building decisions. The type of framing for your construction project will be one of them. Currently, the top two construction framing applications are panelized and stick frame construction. Continue below to learn more about choosing between stick frame construction and panelized construction, plus where to get started with preconstruction planning in Central Indiana.

Commercial Construction Firm Indiana 317-253-0531
Commercial Construction Firm Indiana 317-253-0531

Building Options for New Construction

There are several building options available in the commercial construction industry. Paneled and stick frame construction have climbed the popularity ladder for their many benefits, yet they still come with some drawbacks. The right building option for you will depend on a few variables, one of which being your construction specifications.

Stick Frame Construction

Stick frame construction is a common building option that is considered to be the most traditional construction framing approach. For most, stick frame construction is the image that comes to mind when imagining a framed building structure on an active construction zone. Using the stick frame construction approach, loose lumber and materials are delivered to the site, then builders construct the framing of the building onsite. This is a common approach chosen by investors who do not have access to panelized metal fabrication in their region, cannot wait for customized panel delivery, or do not have enough time to plan more intricate design and build specifications.

Stick frame construction comes with many advantages. It allows for flexibility of design and modifications. It also a faster approach to construction because lumber is more widely available, easy to customize and deliver, and easy to work with. With stick frame construction, projects can break ground sooner and get done quicker.

On the downside, stick frame construction can pose some scheduling and budgeting risks. Many circumstances can affect both the availability of lumber and the integrity of the wood. Weather, natural disasters, economic influences, lumber demand, and supply chains can all delay construction projects, which can also have an impact on cost.

Panelized Construction

Opposite of stick frame, panelized construction involves using framing materials that are fabricated off-site, then transported to the construction site for final assembly. These pre-fabricated panels are typically reserved for flooring and walls, requiring large and heavy machinery to secure them into place.  Because construction panels are manufactured at an off-site factory, there is notably less construction waste and leftover scrap material. Not only is this good for the environment, but it keeps costs down too. Panel framing is customizable and can be applied in a wide range of combinations, such as framing and exterior sheathing only, or exterior finishes with interior mechanical rough-in piping, and much more.

Paneled construction framing does require more time and attention during the planning and design phase. It can pose some challenges too. This building option is the costlier approach, often requiring additional expenses like shipping costs and expedite fees. And once the panels are fabricated and installed, little to no modifications can be made. This is why it is critical to have enough time to devote to the design phase.  

Are you ready to begin the planning and preconstruction process for your new commercial build in Indiana? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for professional commercial construction in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial and industrial clients all throughout Central Indiana.

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Commercial Office Design Tips to Improve Workspace Inclusivity

When it comes to designing and building a commercial office that incorporates a healthy, functional, and all-encompassing workspace, it is helpful to consider the different perspectives of inclusivity, and what it really means to the individuals who will be utilizing the space. Continue below for some tips on how to improve workspace inclusivity through smart commercial office design and build solutions, plus who to trust for seasoned general contracting services in Central Indiana.

Commercial Office Construction Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531
Commercial Office Construction Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

A Diverse Workforce Demands Inclusive Workspace

The workforce today looks a lot different than it did generations ago. With so much diversity among employees, it is necessary to take the individual needs of each into consideration when planning your commercial office space. How can you design a space that allows staff to perform their best? Higher employee contentment directly links to higher productivity, which ultimately impacts your bottom line as a business owner or commercial real estate developer. Consider demographic factors like age, culture, and religion, as well as physical and psychological factors, such as disabilities, mental health, comfort, security, interest, and more.

With all of these important demographic, physical, and mental factors in mind, you can better design and build a commercial office space that is fully inclusive and functional for your diverse staff, today and for years to come. Begin by focusing on the incorporation of collaborative work areas and quiet spaces, as well as flexible design strategies and team feedback.

Collaborative Design With a Focus on Equity

Incorporating collaborative workspaces in the office can improve inclusivity among staff. Design areas that employees can gather for projects and work assignments, whether to work together or simply in the company of one another. But be sure that all employees can equally access and utilize these collaborative spaces. For example, consider the height, weight, emotional, and physical abilities of your current and future staff. ADA commercial construction and building code requirements help set the foundation for this objective, but additional smart design schematics can improve the level of workspace inclusivity even more.

You do not want someone to be excluded from using a team space because they cannot access it for reasons of physical disabilities or because they are differently-abled. Additionally, you don’t want anyone to experience difficulties utilizing the space due to mental and emotional preferences or conditions. Some people are more social and extroverted, while others are reclusive and shy. Will your collaborative team spaces suit a wide range of personalities? Do not be afraid to ask your staff for suggestions on designing a more inclusive workspace. This is also an effective way to gain perspectives on how your employees view their work like and daily routines.

For this reason and more, collaborative spaces in the office are just as important as quiet workspaces in the office. Accordingly, you want to aim for a neutral color and design palette as to not disrupt or distract employee productivity, nor trigger migraines, stress, anxiety, seizures, and other health implications.

Flexible Design for Future Growth

When designing a commercial office aimed for success, it is imperative to keep your sights on the future of the company. Integrating reasonable flexibility in the design of your workspace will prevent limiting the future growth of your business, allow you to easily shift with the changing environment of the industry, and more effectively respond to the needs of your staff. Aim for a commercial office design with a timeless aesthetic so that it will not quickly appear outdated. Additionally, plan your office design in a way that does not limit the means by which you can use it.

Are you looking for a commercial general contracting company that can bring your design build vision to life? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for commercial office remodeling and commercial-use construction in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve clients all throughout the state.

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The Average Cost of Constructing a Commercial Building

One could argue that, in the eyes of a real estate developer or investor, the most important element of constructing a new commercial building is cost. After all, cost has a direct correlation to profit, which is arguably the ultimate purpose of building and constructing new real estate. Initial thoughts are generally focused on developing basic fiscal expectations, but because there are so many factors involved in determining the overall cost of commercial construction, it can be almost impossible to gauge the exact amount of capital required to finish your particular project.

Continue reading to learn what you need to know about calculating the average cost of constructing a commercial building, plus which commercial construction company in Central Indiana to trust for superior project results.

Indianapolis Indiana Commercial Construction Company 317-253-0531
Indianapolis Indiana Commercial Construction Company 317-253-0531

Budget Planning and Preparation for Commercial Construction

With the right budget planning and preparation, you can maximize your business’s utility, function, and overall operational efficiency, plus artistically depict your organization’s culture, all while remaining within your anticipated budget. You can achieve. These objectives and more with the help of a licensed Indiana commercial construction management company.

There are several methodologies that can help you and your commercial general contracting team accurately calculate the total cost of your commercial build, such as precision budget analysis, economic data integration, cost foreseeability charting, and contingency forecasting. A skilled commercial construction company will have the proper knowledge, training, and resources to properly apply and implement these methodologies for more accurate cost evaluation.

Common Commercial Building Cost Considerations

Although every commercial construction build is unique, there are some baseline costs that can help you establish a fundamental outline for a budget. Your commercial construction management team can help you determine which baseline costs to include in your budget outline.

Factors that will most likely influence the total cost of your commercial construction project include the size and scope of the build, the building square footage, building location, intended use of building, building structure assembly, building codes, zoning/permitting, architectural design, and much more.

You also need to consider the costs for fire protection systems, security systems, HVAC requirements, and plumbing. Additionally, there are other costs considerations that may come into play with your commercial construction project, like the market demand for the materials being used for your project and similar economic conditions.

Are you ready to begin the planning and preconstruction process for your new commercial build in Indiana? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for professional commercial general contracting services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial and industrial clients all throughout Central Indiana.

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