The Essential Guide to Design-Build Construction for New Businesses

Launching a new business or startup is an endeavor filled with excitement, challenges, and a multitude of decisions – big and small. One such significant decision often at the forefront of a startup’s operation is the choice of physical space and the construction that will bring its vision to life. The design and construction of your business’s physical space is a reflection of your brand, culture, and aspirations. It serves as the canvas on which your corporate story is painted.

For many entrepreneurs, opting for the design-build (DB) construction model has numerous benefits, especially when time and resources are precious commodities. This comprehensive guide explores the intricacies of design-build construction and outlines why it’s the ideal framework for new businesses. From a quicker time to market to a more cohesive approach to your project’s development, we break down the vital components every startup should consider when constructing their new location.

Call 317-253-0531 for Commercial Design Build Construction in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-253-0531 for Commercial Design Build Construction in Indianapolis Indiana

The ABCs of Design-Build Construction

The design-build model consolidates the design and commercial construction processes into a single project entity. This approach contrasts with the traditional design-bid-build model where each phase is handled by different parties. In design-build, the commercial construction firm takes on both the architectural design as well as the actual construction, streamlining project delivery and promoting a more collaborative way of working.

For startups and new businesses, design-build offers a comprehensive method that aligns well with their dynamic needs. From co-working spaces to specialized tech centers, the design-build model has proven to be the foundation that supports innovation and agility.

Why Choose Design-Build for Your New Business

The advantages of design-build for new businesses are significant and far-reaching. Here’s why many entrepreneurs are opting for this construction paradigm.

Streamlined Process and Accountability

In the design-build approach, there’s a single point of contact throughout the construction project. This not only streamlines communication but also ensures that accountability rests with one party. For startups with lean operational structures, this direct line of communication can be a game-changer, providing clarity and a means to track the project’s progression with ease.

Speed and Savings

When time-to-market is vital, design-build stands out for its quicker project delivery. With the design and construction team working in tandem from the project inception, start-to-finish timelines are often significantly reduced. This swift approach also translates to cost savings, as there’s less likelihood for time delays and miscommunications that can result in budget overruns.

Collaboration is Key

Unlike the traditional model, design-build fosters a collaborative environment. The constant interaction between architects and builders means designs are not just aesthetically pleasing but also practical and cost-efficient. This coherence from the initial concept to the final nail being driven helps ensure that you get the space you envisioned, without any surprises.

Navigating the Design-Build Process

While the design-build commercial construction model offers a unified framework, it’s important for new businesses to be actively involved in key stages of the project. Here are the considerations that can make or break your design-build experience.

Understanding & Defining the Scope

Clearly defining the project scope is the lynchpin of a successful design-build venture. Ambiguity at this stage can lead to misunderstandings and unsatisfactory outcomes. Startups should work closely with the design-build team to articulate their vision and strategic business goals for the space.

Experience Counts

The success of the design-build model hinges on the expertise of the integrated team. New businesses should vet potential design-build firms, looking not only at past projects but also at the team’s ability to understand the unique requirements of a startup environment.

Budgeting for Newbie Entrepreneurs

For startups with limited capital, the design-build model offers financial clarity from the outset. Engage in open discussions about the budget at the start and secure fees and estimates in writing. Make sure there’s a plan for any potential cost escalations due to unforeseen circumstances.

The Design-Build Model as an Innovation Hub

In an age where innovation is a currency, startups can harness the design-build model to create spaces that inspire creativity, foster collaboration, and reflect the agility of the business.

Trendspotting in Design-Build Construction

Design-build adapts to evolving trends not only in architecture and construction technology but also in workplace design and business needs. From sustainable practices to flexible and adaptable spaces, the design-build method is at the forefront of transformation within the built environment.

Meeting the Current Needs of Startups

Modern startups often require spaces that can flex and adapt as they grow and pivot. The design-build model can cater to these dynamic needs, creating environments that are more than just static offices but ecosystems for innovation to thrive.


In the fast-paced world of startups and new ventures, the choices you make early on can have lasting effects. Design-build construction stands out as a pragmatic and forward-thinking approach that can set the stage for your business’s success. By choosing design-build, you’re not just constructing a physical space; you’re nurturing an environment that can grow with your business, foster your culture, and support your strategic objectives.

For future-forward entrepreneurs seeking a holistic and efficient way to bring their new business from concept to reality, the design-build approach could be what propels them ahead of the pack. Are you ready to build your visionary business space with the efficiency and innovation that design-build promises? It’s time to take that first step and transform your entrepreneurial dreams into a tangible, thriving enterprise.

For a more personalized approach to your new business’s construction needs, don’t hesitate to consult a professional design-build firm. They can guide you through the process, helping you to make the best decisions for your unique venture. With the right partnership, your startup’s space can become the launchpad for all your future achievements.

Are you wondering which Indiana commercial general contracting company to trust for your upcoming commercial build or remodel? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for comprehensive design-build (DB) commercial construction and general contracting services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We work with clients all throughout the state.

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Navigating Indiana Commercial Building Codes: Everything You Need to Know

Developing a commercial property in the vibrant state of Indiana is an exciting venture. Whether you’re an established Real Estate Developer or a burgeoning Business Owner looking to expand, the process of construction is a critical stage that demands your utmost attention. Understanding the commercial building codes of Indiana is not only a legal requirement but a foundational step in ensuring the safety and functionality of your future space.

This comprehensive guide is designed to demystify the intricate web of Indiana’s commercial building regulations, providing you with the knowledge to navigate this essential aspect of your commercial development project.

Call 317-253-0531 to Speak With a Commercial Construction Contractor in Indianapolis
Call 317-253-0531 to Speak With a Commercial Construction Contractor in Indianapolis

Understanding Indiana Commercial Building Codes

When embarking on a commercial construction or renovation project in Indiana, adherence to building codes is non-negotiable. These codes are designed to establish minimum standards for the construction and occupancy of buildings to safeguard public health, safety, and general welfare. Indiana enforces a set of technical codes that are updated regularly to reflect national standards and best practices. The regulatory scope covers a wide range of aspects in construction, including structural integrity, fire safety, energy efficiency, and accessibility.

The Indiana Department of Homeland Security (IDHS) is the state entity responsible for aspects of building safety, including fire and building safety regulations. Local jurisdictions, such as counties and cities, enforce these state regulations, often tailoring certain aspects to reflect the nuances of their communities. It’s imperative to be aware of your local building commission or authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), as they are the primary enforcers of commercial building codes at the local level.

Key Areas Covered by Indiana Commercial Building Codes

Structural Requirements

The structural design of a commercial building must comply with stringent criteria to ensure it can withstand the forces it will encounter during its lifespan. This includes calculations for building loads, wind resistance, and even seismic considerations in certain regions.

A licensed structural engineer plays a vital role in ensuring that your design and materials are up to code, and their approval is often required before project approval is granted. Local AHJs may also conduct inspections throughout the construction process to verify compliance.

Fire Safety Regulations

Fire prevention and safety in commercial buildings is a top priority. Indiana’s commercial building codes incorporate standards for fire-resistive materials, means of egress, fire suppression systems, and more. Requirements may vary depending on the building’s use and occupancy classification, with higher standards for public spaces and buildings housing vulnerable populations.

Developers and business owners must ensure their properties are equipped with the necessary fire safety measures, such as suitable alarm systems, fire exits, and extinguishing systems. Periodic inspections by the fire marshal are common, especially for high-occupancy structures.

Accessibility Standards

Commercial properties must be accessible to individuals with disabilities as per the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Indiana’s building codes reflect the federal requirements for accessibility, specifying the design parameters for elements such as parking spaces, ramps, doorways, and restrooms.

Consideration for accessibility should be integrated into the design process from conception to completion. The involvement of an ADA consultant and regular check-ins with AHJ can help to ensure that your property meets the necessary accessibility standards.

Energy Efficiency Guidelines

Indiana has adopted energy codes that align with national standards such as the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). These codes aim to reduce energy consumption in all types of buildings through the regulation of building envelope, mechanical systems, lighting, and water heating.

Meeting these guidelines often involves detailed energy modeling and can influence the size and specifications of systems within your commercial property. Energy code compliance may also offer benefits such as reduced operating costs and improved marketability.

Implications for Commercial Developers and Business Owners

Navigating Indiana’s commercial building codes presents numerous implications, both during the planning and construction phases as well as upon the property’s eventual occupancy.

Compliance Costs and Time frames

The cost and time involved in ensuring your property meets code can be significant. Early engagement with a construction contractor familiar with local codes is crucial to mitigate unexpected expenses and delays.

Impact on Project Design and Construction

Code compliance often necessitates design adjustments that can impact the aesthetics, functionality, and cost of your project. Engaging with design professionals early in the process is key to integrating compliance measures seamlessly.

Legal and Financial Consequences of Non-Compliance

Failing to adhere to commercial building codes can result in serious ramifications, including delayed project approval, fines, and even litigation. Thorough documentation and clear communication with your construction team are essential to avoid non-compliance pitfalls.

Best Practices and Resources for Building Code Compliance

The complexity of Indiana’s commercial building codes makes it essential to approach code compliance strategically. Here are some best practices and resources to assist you in this endeavor.

Hiring Professional Commercial Construction Contractors for Code Compliance

Experienced commercial construction contractors are well-versed in navigating the various requirements and nuances of Indiana’s building codes. Their knowledge and expertise can prove invaluable in ensuring that your project meets all applicable regulations.

Staying Updated with Code Revisions

Building codes are not static and are subject to regular updates. Subscribing to newsletters, attending workshops, and maintaining dialogue with local building authorities will help you stay informed about any changes that could affect your project.

Utilizing Technology for Code Adherence

Technological tools like Building Information Modeling (BIM) and construction management software can enhance code adherence by providing a digital platform for comprehensive planning, tracking, and documentation of compliance efforts.


Understanding and adhering to Indiana’s commercial building codes is a guaranteed way to set your project on the path to success. The safety and accessibility of your building, along with its energy efficiency, are not just legal requirements but important considerations for the longevity and reputation of your property. Don’t wait until you’re neck-deep in the construction process to address code issues. Acting with foresight can save you both time and money. Start building a compliant and successful future today. By taking a proactive approach to code compliance, you not only fulfill regulatory obligations but also ensure the satisfaction of tenants and the community at large.

Your next step in mastering the commercial building codes of Indiana is to reach out to professionals in the industry who can offer guidance specific to your project. Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for reputable commercial construction and remodeling in Indianapolis and its surrounding counties.

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Top 4 Commercial Real Estate Trends for 2023

The commercial real estate market is constantly changing and evolving. As a result, it can be difficult to keep up with the latest trends. However, understanding precedential and predicted commercial real estate trends can help you make better-informed decisions about your own property investment portfolio. Continue reading to review the top 4 commercial real estate trends for 2023.

Commercial Real Estate Contractors  Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531
Commercial Real Estate Contractors Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

Current and Future Commercial Real Estate Trends

The Rise of Co-Working Spaces

Co-working spaces have been growing in popularity in recent years, and this trend is only set to continue. Co-working spaces provide a flexible and cost-effective way for businesses to operate, and they offer a number of other benefits such as a ready-made community of like-minded professionals.

The Growth of the Proptech Sector

Proptech is a term used to describe the intersection of technology and real estate. This sector is growing rapidly, with new startups and products emerging all the time. Proptech can be used to improve everything from the way properties are marketed and sold, to the way they are managed and maintained.

The Rise of Build-To-Rent

The traditional model of home ownership is changing, with more people opting to rent instead. This shift is being driven by a number of factors, such as the increasing cost of home ownership, the flexibility that renting offers, and the ease with which properties can be found and moved into. As a result of this trend, there is an increasing demand for purpose-built rental properties.

The Increasing Importance of Sustainability

Sustainability is becoming an increasingly important consideration for both businesses and consumers. Property investors and developers who take sustainability into account will be well-positioned to capitalize on this growing trend.


These are just four of the top commercial real estate trends that you should be aware of. Understanding these trends can help you make better-informed decisions about your property investment portfolio. Get help with your commercial real estate procurement and construction plans from a qualified commercial general contracting company in Indiana.

Are you looking for a trusted commercial general contracting company who can turn your new commercial space into exactly what your business needs? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for professional commercial construction management and space planning in Indianapolis, Indiana.

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Why Space Planning Construction is So Valuable For Businesses

Do not make the mistake of thinking that space planning and design is the same thing as interior design services. Space planning construction is one of the most valuable elements of a business plan. Not only does proper space planning and design deliver enhanced efficiency, in terms of both energy and staff productivity, but also attracts more clientele and customers.

Continue reading to learn why space planning construction is so valuable for your business, plus who to trust in central Indiana for premier space planning services for commercial properties.

Indiana Space Planning Commercial Construction 317-253-0531
Indiana Space Planning Commercial Construction 317-253-0531

Why Choose Commercial Space Planning Services

Commercial space planning best benefits commercial businesses like offices, retail stores, restaurants and similar commercial spaces that serve clients or customers. By failing to incorporate smart commercial space planning and design into your commercial remodel or renovation, you are preventing yourself the opportunity to increase your customer base and yearly dividends. Not only can smart commercial space planning, increase staff contentment, thus improving their overall productivity, but it can also increase customer contentment, which can increase return business.

The most valuable benefits of commercial space planning and design all contribute to your business’s overall success. Let’s take a closer look:

Reduce Wasted Space

When it comes to owning and operating a business, waste is something you want to mitigate as much as possible. As for the square and cubic footage of your actual facility or office, the same principle applies. Smart space planning and design will allow you to reduce wasted space in the work environment, allowing you to make the most of your property.

Attract and Keep Business

It is confidently suggested that a well-planned space, whether an office or restaurant, is more impressionable on a customer or client. A good first impression is essential for repeat business and business that renders higher margins. If your space is poorly designed or sloppily organized, it will leave a bad impression on customers and clients, which is likely to negatively influence their opinion of your company and the services or products it offers.

Maintain High Employee Productivity

As mentioned earlier, a space that is well designed and planned out will make employees happier because they are more comfortable, plus they are given a platform that allows them to do their work efficiently and with a higher level of convenience. In turn, this increases employee productivity, which directly impacts your bottom line.

Plan For Future Expansion

Most business owners have plans to grow their company, and a well-planned space can allow you to make these renovations and build outs as needed. Space planning and design that incorporates a plan for future expansion will allow you to cost-effectively accommodate any growth you experience in your company.

Are you looking for a trusted commercial general contracting company in Indy but unsure where to begin? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for comprehensive commercial space planning and permitting in Indianapolis, Indiana. We work with clients all throughout the state.

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Black Mold Remediation Guide for Commercial Properties

Black mold is dangerous, not to mention unsightly, disgusting, malodorous, and highly destructive. Worse off, mold is often hidden, and therefore, undetectable at first or second glance. This is a common reason why black mold outbreaks get as bad as they do. And the longer black mold goes unresolved, the more damage it leaves in its wake. In as little as one year, an untreated mold occurrence can lead to massive renovations and rebuilds of commercial properties. Needless to say, black mold is a problem and should be treated and eliminated immediately upon discovery.

If you have recently discovered a festering outbreak of black mold in your commercial property, take action this very moment by learning what you need to do to get rid of black mold and renovate the damages it leaves behind.

Commercial Mold Remediation Contractors Indianapolis IN 317-253-0531
Commercial Mold Remediation Contractors Indianapolis IN 317-253-0531

Black Mold in the Office or Workplace

Although minor black mold remediation could be done in-house or on your own, commercial properties have a higher duty of care to ensure their premises are safe and free of foreseeable hazards; not just for the sake of local building and health codes, but also for the health and safety of their employees, customers, clients, visitors, and anyone else that enters through their doors. For this reason, commercial mold removal and remediation is a large-scale project that requires specialized Indianapolis general contracting service and guidance. A licensed commercial general contractor can determine the best course of action for your mold removal and structural repair needs.

Start by inspecting the area you suspect has mold growth. Once you have a good idea of how extensive the black mold is in your business or commercial building, you will know if you should outsource professional general contracting and renovation services or not. Small-scale outbreaks might be manageable on your own if you are experienced with handyman work, but only the removal phase. Structural repairs and renovations will need to be carried out by a licensed commercial construction company in Indianapolis.

If you truly feel comfortable removing a small black mold outbreak in your office or commercial building, continue below for a quick guide to black mold removal.

Commercial Black Mold Removal Tips

When working with mold, it is vital to wear a respirator, or a facemask designed for mold spores, to protect yourself from potential health complications related to mold spore inhalation. All exposed skin should be covered as well. As mentioned, the first step to getting rid of black mold is to hire a professional to determine the extent of damage. If it is decided that the infestation is manageable on your own, you are ready to continue to the process.

The next place to begin is identifying the cause behind the mold growth. This might also require the help of a trained professional, perhaps a plumber or general contractor. This is because the source of mold growth could be from a water leak or appliance condensation in wall, pipes, roofs, or foundations of a property. These leaks or condensation issues need to be resolved before a mold problem can be eliminated.

When the first two steps are done, it is time to close off the affected area. Vents need to be covered, doors and windows should be tightly shut, and entries or openings need blocked off with plastic tarp and duct tape. The area must be entirely sealed to the best of your ability. Place floor fans, facing outward, in entry ways helps to push airborne spores outside.

Before starting any actual mold removal, spray the affected area and mold with water. This helps reduce the number of airborne spores when moving them around. Using a brush or sponge, scrub the mold away with soap and warm water. Regular dish detergent is fine. Remember that not all mold spores are colored or visible, so scrub the entire area, as well as any surrounding areas to make sure all mold is removed.

Once the area is scrubbed with warm soapy water, repeat this process, only this time, using bleach. Apply bleach to the entire area and then rinse with fresh water and a clean rag. If you do not have bleach or dislike using bleach, vinegar will do the trick as well. Or you can purchase a mold cleaning solution at the store.

Discard all equipment and supplies used to clean the black mold in a large garbage bag and take it outside through an entrance other than the main entrance of the property. A garage, patio, or loading dock entrance is best.

Once the mold is removed, you will likely need commercial drywall installation and painting services to restore the areas that were affected by the mold. Be sure to choose a licensed and insured Indianapolis commercial general contractor who specializes in large-scale commercial renovations. They have the comprehensive resources to restore a mold-damaged business or facility back to their original condition.

Are you looking for a qualified team of commercial general contractors who can help you get your business back into shape after a black mold outbreak? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for comprehensive commercial construction management in Indianapolis, Indiana. We will navigate your mold remediation from start to finish.

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Which Commercial Construction Services Do You Need For Your Project?

Commercial construction is simply an umbrella term to describe a comprehensive scope of commercial space planning, zoning, designing, building, maintaining, and more. Whether you are building new or renovating a distressed asset, it is important to streamline your thought process by identifying which types of commercial construction services you will require for your construction plans.

Continue below to review some of the most common services provided by an Indiana commercial construction and general contracting company, plus learn how to get your plans into motion before the year is up.

Commercial Construction Services Indiana 317-253-0531
Commercial Construction Services Indiana 317-253-0531

Commercial Construction Services in Indiana

General Contracting

A general contracting company works as a single source of contact and management by providing all material, labor, equipment, and services required for a commercial construction project. In most cases, they are responsible for hiring and managing specialized subcontractors to perform all or some of the work, such as roofing, windows, framing, drywall, painting, electrician work, and more.

Construction Management

Commercial construction management applies concentrated managing system to oversee all aspects of a project, from planning and preconstruction, to designing, building, finishing, and more. This approach ensures an organized and streamlined construction process, therefore, controlling costs and reducing the likelihood of setbacks and project delays.


Commercial construction preconstruction services apply the innovative knowledge of precision forecasting to evaluate and establish every element of a project before breaking ground. This allows the development of a solid base, as well as a steady timeline for a project, including specifying all aspects, aligning design/build agendas, recognizing milestones, creating contingency plans, and assessing alternatives. This approach helps to accurately reflecting real world conditions, controlling costs, and abating complications or setbacks.

Tenant Improvements and Remodels

A commercial construction company will often provide services for apartment complexes, condominiums, retirement centers, and other types of commercially owned residential living communities. Everything from permit applications and materials procurement to construction management, financial plan compliance, and more are handled by the commercial construction company. 

Facility Maintenance

Once a project is complete and a property is built, there is still a need for ongoing, specialized maintenance. Facility maintenance services sustain all systems and structures within a building. The commercial construction company will set up a program, or remain available, to implement specialized maintenance work that cannot be performed by in-house custodial and day-porter staffs, such as electrician work, sign repair, and more.

Industries and Businesses We Serve

Space Planning and Permitting – Zoning and permits, site selection/evaluation, preconstruction, community due diligence, land acquisition, economic incentive inquiries, feasibility studies, constructability reviews, site audits, site entitlements, financial analysis/structuring, and more.

Office and Commercial-Use Construction – Offices, office buildings, office complexes, high-rises, corporate campuses, single and multi-tenant offices, public buildings, auditoriums, pavilions, conference centers, and similar properties.

Healthcare Construction – Hospitals, medical facilities, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, medical offices, spas, esthetician offices, pharmaceutical factories, wellness centers, sports medicine centers, and all other healthcare-related industries.

Retail and Franchise Construction – Shopping centers, malls, strip malls, clothing stores, boutiques, franchise businesses, spas, and more.

Restaurant and Food Service Construction – Restaurants, eateries, pubs, bars, cafes, catering venues, diners, cafeterias, grocery stores, franchise businesses, food market pavilions, factories, distribution warehouses, commercial kitchens, and more.

Fitness and Gym Construction – Gyms, fitness centers, yoga studios, Pilates studios, ballet studios, dance studios, indoor pools, spas, sports complexes, tennis courts, basketball courts, recreational centers, and more.

Commercial Flooring – Standard flooring, specialty flooring, space planning, repair, replacement, installation, procurement, etc.

Commercial Painting and Drywall – Space planning, repair, refinishing, installation, designing, etc.

Would you prefer to skip the difficulty of seeking out the best commercial construction company in central Indiana? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for honest and skilled general contracting and commercial construction in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve clients all throughout the state with the highest level of professionalism and excellence.

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Top 3 Credentials to Look For in a Commercial General Contractor

When you are ready to move forward with a commercial construction project, your top priority is to hire the right commercial general contractor in Indianapolis. With the right professionals on the job, you can trust that your new build, expansion, or renovation is up to spec and ready to generate income. Below are the top 3 credentials you should look for first in any Indiana commercial construction or general contracting company. By sticking with these important qualities, you can better narrow down the pool of potential hires in your area.

Commercial Contractor Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531
Commercial Contractor Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

Top 3 Qualities of a Dependable Commercial Construction Contractor


With commercial construction, the most vital credential a company can have is proper professional licensing. Always ask to see documentation of a contractor’s license, as well as any other licensing credentials you might be interested in learning more about. Aside from proper licensing, it is critical to hire a company that has an active insurance policy and bond. Not only does this indicate they are a professional corporation, but it also tells you that clients are protected in terms of liability. Check with your state’s construction licensing department to verify a company’s licensing before moving forward with their services.


Although hiring a company that has just opened its doors is not always a bad thing, hiring a company that has very little previous construction and contracting experience is. Experience is key when it comes to developing and executing a successful commercial construction project, whether a new build or a simple remodel. As a general rule of thumb, a trusted and valuable commercial general contracting company should have at least 10 years of hands-on experience in the industry, at least 5 years of being an established business, and several projects in their portfolio.


To learn whether or not a commercial construction company is a dependable hire, you can ask them for references; and a trusted and successful company will have them to give. But in addition to reading through their referrals, do not be afraid to actually follow up on a few. Choose one or two past clients and reach out to them for information about their personal experience with the company you are researching. This can give you the information you need to determine if the company is a good fit for your project goals.

Are you wondering which Indiana commercial general contracting company to trust for your upcoming commercial build or remodel? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for comprehensive commercial general contracting services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We work with clients all throughout the state.

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Naturally Replenishing Energy Sources for Commercial Facilities

Renewable energy is a gainfully popular alternative to conventional energy sourcing among today’s commercial real estate and construction industry. More and more proprietors are joining the money-saving, Eco-friendly initiative to conserve energy and with it, our environment as a whole. As a real estate developer, business owner, investor, or even office manager, there are several ways you can contribute to this environmentally conscious movement, including improved waste management, recycling, repurposing, energy efficient appliances, and much more.

As for energy to power your commercial edifices and facilities, most businesses operate on gas, propane, or electricity. But if energy efficient options appeal to you, then continue below for a brief review of the top naturally replenishing energy sources for commercial facilities and buildings, plus who to trust for superior commercial general contracting services for procurement and installation of such systems.

Commercial Energy Systems Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531
Commercial Energy Systems Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

Top Renewable Energy Options For Commercial Real Estate

Geothermal Power

Geothermal power is an effective energy source alternative. And you don’t have to live in a geologically active area with geysers and magma! Over the course of several years, innovative technology has been developed and improved upon for commercial geothermal applications. Geothermal energy is derived from heat within the inside of the Earth. Just a few feet under you, the internal ground temperature remains a steady 50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit, regardless of the above ground temperature! To provide heating and cooling for a commercial facility using geothermal power, a geothermal heat pump is installed that circulates fluid through a system of underground pipes. Then, a heat exchanger inside the building removes the heat from the liquid and conditions the home as demanded.

Wind Power

If you have gone on any recent road trips through the countryside, you probably saw big, white, sky-high wind wheels in rows of many. These small wind electric systems called wind turbines are actually using the power and force of the wind to create energy. This energy is then used to power a generator, which powers farms, homes, stores, and more. Best of all, wind turbines do not burn fossil fuels, which means they do not produce air pollutants like carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and mercury. To invest in a commercial or industrial-use wind turbine, you will need to contact the U.S. Department of Energy.

Hydroelectric Power

Similar to wind power, water can also generate force; and if applied under the proper circumstances, this force can generate energy for us! Hydroelectric power systems are also similar to geothermal systems because they too use a liquid too; only the liquid is water! To use a flowing water source to provide energy for your commercial facility or property, you will need permission from local authorities. Contact the U.S. Department of Energy for information about hydroelectric generators.

Solar Power

Just like wind and water, solar power also uses a naturally occurring element to generate power. And that’s the sun! The sun gives off solar energy in the form of UV and UVB rays. The sunlight generates heat, which is captured and stored in solar panels installed on the property. These solar panels rely on the photovoltaic effect to generate electricity when exposed to sunlight. Solar energy pricing has dropped drastically so now is the time to go for it if you are interested in a renewable energy source for your commercial facility.

Are you ready to learn how to procure and erect a new energy system for your commercial property? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for comprehensive commercial renovations in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our licensed and insured commercial general contractors serve clients all throughout the state.

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What Does a Commercial Construction Manager Do?

Are you asking yourself, “What should I expect after hiring a commercial construction management company in Indiana?” If so, you are in the right place. Continue reading to learn exactly what a commercial construction manager can do for you and your upcoming project.

Commercial Construction Manager Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531
Commercial Construction Manager Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

Commercial Construction Management Services

When you have a commercial construction project on the books, your first step should be to hire a commercial construction management company. A commercial construction managing team can take your vision and turn it into reality, working with you every step of the way from start to finish. If you want to increase cost efficiency, reduce liability, and maintain control over your build, then a commercial construction manager is the right hire for you.

The Goal of a Commercial Construction Manager

Your commercial construction management company takes on your best interest by acting as your advocate through the entire design and build process. Ultimately, their goal is to complete your project to your exact specifications, within your budget, and in a convenient time frame.

Commercial construction managers work on-site every day, overseeing and directing every single task, including budgeting, space planning, zoning, permitting, compliancy, building codes, contract negotiations, design plans, subcontractor hiring, material procurement, construction work, equipment procurement, white glove inspections, post-occupancy maintenance, and much more.

A commercial construction manager acts as a single point of communication and accountability, for both you and all the teams working on your project. Not only does this allow for streamlined transmission and consultation, but it abates disputes of liability by establishing a clear and concise chain of command. Their services also prevent unforeseen infrastructural issues, work delays, scheduling errors, unanticipated setbacks, inefficiency, waste management, and added expenses. They also ensure that subcontractors never deviate from your original specifications, which is a bad practice that unfortunately occurs too often in the construction industry.

How to Get Started With Commercial Construction Management

All of these benefits directly contribute to your bottom line. The sooner your project is completed, the sooner you can open your doors for business and start amassing income. Are you wondering how you can hire a dependable commercial construction manager in Indianapolis? Well, you have already found the right professionals to get your project done right, ahead of schedule and under budget. Here at BAF Corporation, our success and proven track record in commercial construction management is largely due to our acute attention to detail and our unwavering dedication to delivering the highest standards of excellence for every project. Our results pave the way for your business’s successful future.

Ready to get started? Just want to learn more? We are here to help! Contact us at 317-253-0531 to learn more about our professional construction management services in Indianapolis. We serve all corporate, commercial, and industrial industries in Central Indiana.

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Is a Steel Frame Building Right For Your Business?

When you are on the brink of choosing a new commercial facility for your business, you may want to consider the various benefits of steel frame buildings. Depending on the unique needs and daily operations of your company, a steel frame building might be the right move.

Continue below to learn why so many other commercial real estate investors and business owners are choosing steel frame building construction in 2022, plus where to get trusted commercial general contracting services in Central Indiana.

Steel Frame Building Construction Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531
Steel Frame Building Construction Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

Steel Frame Buildings and the Advantages They Offer

Steel frame buildings deliver both short-term and long-term advantages for business owners in various industries across the board. From speed of construction and high tensile strength to versatile application, custom designing, safety, reliability, sustainability, and much more, steel frame buildings are making a significant impression on the commercial construction industry, and they may just be exactly what you are looking for in a new facility.

Faster Construction

Steel frame buildings are simple in architecture and design, making them easy to erect. They come mostly prefabricated, so all that’s left to do is connect the pieces together on-site. Construction for steel frame buildings is completed quickly, which saves you labor costs and gets your doors open faster.

Durability and Strength

Steel retains high tensile strength, which in turn gives it high load-bearing capacity. Because steel is so strong and durable, it is very reliable, allowing it to have a long lifespan. With proper maintenance, steel will remain extremely reliable and resistant to damage or deterioration for decades. This improves ROI come time to sell.

Application and Design Versatility

Steel can be fabricated to any specification, from shape and size to density, galvanization, and more. This allows builders to custom select their materials, plus easily make modifications later on if needed. Steel is also highly versatile in terms of design. Steel is strong, so less support columns and walls are needed to withstand the weight of the structure. This means more open floor space, which gives you ultimate design freedom.


Steel framed buildings deliver excellent safety standards in the commercial construction industry. Not just because steel is strong and highly-resistant to external forces and damages, but also because steel is flexible, which abates cracking, fracturing, and ultimately, collapsing in the case of a catastrophic event, such as an earthquake or explosion.


Steel is 100 percent recyclable, making it an Eco-friendly and environmentally-conscious asset in the construction industry. When your steel frame building has seen its last duty, it can be dismantled and recycled into new steel-based commodities.

Are you looking for sustainable commercial construction for your new project? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for professional commercial construction in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial and industrial clients all throughout Central Indiana.

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