Key Considerations Before Leasing a Retail Space for a Healthcare Clinic

Starting a healthcare clinic is more than just about offering the services needed; it’s about the environment in which those services operate. Choosing the space that your clinic will call home is crucial. It not only contributes to your clinic’s branding and patient experience but also plays a significant role in the day-to-day efficiency of your operations.

Whether you’re a medical professional venturing into private practice or an established clinic looking to expand, the process of finding and leasing a retail space warrants a strategic and meticulous approach. This guide is a compass to steer you through the nuances of leasing retail space for your healthcare clinic.

Call 317-253-0531 for Healthcare Clinic Space Planning and Remodeling in Indianapolis
Call 317-253-0531 for Healthcare Clinic Space Planning and Remodeling in Indianapolis

Retail Space in the Healthcare Sector

Before the first patient walks through your door, your clinic’s location and layout should be prescribed for success. The significance of this decision is often underestimated, and missteps can lead to a host of operational challenges that could stymie your healthcare business. From selecting a location that’s accessible and demographically suitable to ensuring the space complies with healthcare regulations, every parameter requires a detailed evaluation.

The healthcare sector isn’t just about providing treatment; it’s an ecosystem of patient trust, community needs, and professional efficacy. Your retail space is the first chapter in your clinic’s narrative, and it must align with these values cohesively.

Choosing a Location

Navigating Demographics

Understanding the community you’ll be serving is pivotal. Analyzing the local population’s size, age, income level, and the healthcare needs that might be underserved will help you tailor your services. Interactive maps and demographic data can guide these decisions, ensuring that the location is a good fit for the type of clinic you envision.

The Competition Conundrum

Competition can be both a boon and a bane. While a location with more established healthcare facilities may suggest a high-traffic area, it could mean facing a battle for market share. Research what’s available, identify the white spaces, and position yourself strategically.

Accessibility and Foot Traffic

Proximity to public transportation, parking facilities, and even the layout of the space from a patient’s perspective matter. Accessibility compliance isn’t just a legal obligation; it’s about making your clinic welcoming and user-friendly to all patients, including those with mobility challenges.

Space Requirements

The Blueprint of Care

The layout of healthcare spaces is distinct. It needs to be efficient, with a clear division of patient areas, staff zones, and spaces for equipment and records. A well-designed space can streamline patient workflows and staff operations, leading to better outcomes and experiences.

Size Matters

Balancing the size of the clinic with your current needs and future ambitions is delicate. Overcrowding due to a space too small can be off-putting to patients, while underutilized, large spaces can be an unnecessary financial burden. Projecting your growth and ensuring the space can accommodate it is foresight that pays dividends.

Zoning and Healthcare Regulations

Healthcare facilities have specific zoning requirements and breaking the law (even unknowingly) can have severe repercussions. Ensure your intended space is zoned for healthcare use or if not, understand the steps required to change its designation.

Lease Terms and Negotiation

Deciphering Lease Agreements

Lease agreements can be cryptic with legal jargon, but understanding the terms is not negotiable. Be clear on your rent, what it includes, and any extras. Know your obligations and rights as a tenant, especially maintenance responsibilities related to the space.

Rent and Renewal Options

Budgeting for your lease should be comprehensive. Don’t just consider the monthly rent but also factor in annual increases, common area maintenance fees, and any utility costs. Negotiate renewal terms upfront to secure the space for the long term if it’s beneficial to your practice.

Lease Duration and Flexibility

While you may be keen on securing a long lease, flexibility is also crucial for unforeseen changes. Short-term leases with clear renewal clauses can provide the security you need without the commitment that could stifle adaptability.

Amenities and Infrastructure

The Necessities

From waiting rooms to examination areas, consultation rooms to restrooms, assess the non-negotiable elements your clinic space must have. This includes electricity, plumbing, and a safe and secure environment compliant with OSHA standards.

Parking and Accessibility

An adequate parking area or easy access to public transport can significantly alleviate patient stress and improve their experience. Remember, some of your patients may have mobility challenges, and thus, accessibility should extend beyond the entryway.

The Technology Ecosystem

Today’s clinics rely on technology for everything from patient management to equipment operation. The space should support a robust IT infrastructure, and it should be designed to accommodate future advancements without major disruptions.

Compliance and Regulations

Zoning Laws and Building Codes

Before you sign on the dotted line, ensure all zoning and building codes are met within the space. This may include specific regulations for healthcare facilities and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Permit Procurement

Leasing a healthcare space may require you to obtain various permits before you can operate. This could range from simple construction permits for renovation work to healthcare specific licenses. Know the process and timeline for securing these documents.

Foreseeability Cost Analysis

Retail Space Lease Cost

Looking at the cost of the lease only scratches the surface. Factor in the costs of any necessary renovations, equipment procurement, utilities, insurance, and any taxes or fees applicable to your occupancy of the space.

Renovations and Aesthetic Integrity

Renovations might be necessary to turn a retail space into a clinic. Consider cost-effective design choices that align with your branding and the need for a sterile, professional environment.

Ongoing Operational Expenses

Leasing isn’t just about rent; you’ll have ongoing utilities, maintenance, and possibly staffing costs associated with running the clinic. Make sure you have a solid understanding of all these expenses.

Marketing and Visibility

Location Marketing

Your clinic’s location should factor into your marketing strategy. Use the uniqueness of the space, its history, and its accessibility in your branding and promotional materials.

Signage and Curb Appeal

Your exterior façade should invite patients inside. Well-lit and professional signage, complemented by clear wayfinding, helps establish your clinic as a trusted healthcare provider before the first consultation.

Leveraging the Inherent Foot Traffic

If your space is in a bustling retail area, consider how you can convert the surrounding foot traffic into patient appointments through events, specials, or even just engaging storefront displays.


Before you sign a lease, conduct thorough due diligence. While the process may seem daunting, it’s a rewarding investment in your clinic’s future. Engage with local professionals, commercial real estate agents, and construction experts who understand the unique needs of healthcare spaces. A successful partnership with these entities can assure that every decision from the location of your clinic to the final design embodies your practice’s values and commitment to patient care.

Most importantly, take the time to tour the prospective space with the lens of a patient and a provider. Your retail space is more than your clinic’s address; it’s the first step in your patient’s health journey and the foundation of your practice’s legacy.

Are you looking for space planning and remodeling guidance for a new retail space or healthcare clinic here in Indiana? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for help with everything from space planning and permitting to healthcare construction, tenant remodeling, and retail franchising in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve clients all throughout the state.

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Outsourcing Construction Management: A Guide for Business Owners and Developers

The landscape of building and development is a labyrinth of complexity and detail. For business owners and real estate developers, navigating the intricacies of a construction project can seem daunting. That’s where construction management steps into the blueprint. Organized, thorough, and adaptive management practices are not just beneficial; they’re necessary for any commercial project’s success.

In this extensive guide, we will explore why effective construction management is critical for your project’s success, how it can help control costs, ensure quality, and guarantee timely delivery. So, grab your hard hat and let’s dig into the foundation of successful construction management.

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Call 317-253-0531 for Experienced Construction Management in Indianapolis Indiana

Benefits of Hiring a Construction Management Company

Construction management balances intricate project details with overarching goals, a vital service for any real estate endeavor. Here’s what stellar construction management brings to your blueprint table:

Cost Control and Budget Management – Cost overruns can make or break a project. Construction management aims to ride herd on expenses, meticulously planning to squeeze the most out of every dollar, presenting realistic budgets, and ensuring the project stays on track financially.

Timely Project Completion – Time is money, particularly in construction. A competent commercial construction manager closely monitors timelines and coordinates tasks efficiently, so your grand opening happens when you plan it to – not months later.

Quality Assurance and Risk Mitigation – Defects and remedial work are the antagonists in any construction story. Effective management insists on quality from the get-go, foreseeing potential problems and heading them off before they manifest into costly fixes.

Key Elements of Construction Management

The pillars that play a vital role in maintaining a strong construction management structure include effective planning, efficient resource allocation, clear communication channels, thorough risk management, and continuous monitoring and evaluation. These essential components work together to ensure successful project execution, timely completion, and overall project success.

Planning and Project Scope – Before the first brick is laid, a detailed plan that outlines the project scope, milestones, and deliverables is crafted to keep everyone from architects to contractors on the same page.

Resource Allocation and Scheduling – Efficient use of materials and labor ensures a project doesn’t just meet benchmarks but passes them flying colors. Scheduling resources optimizes productivity and keeps the project humming.

Communication and Coordination – The symphony of construction depends on various teams and contractors working in harmony. Constant communication and coordination are the conductors that ensure this symphony plays out without a hitch.

Quality Control and Inspections – Stringent quality checks and regular inspections are not paper-pushing formalities. They are the checkpoints that maintain high standards and ensure compliance with all regulations and codes.

Choose Construction Managing for Your Commercial Build

Embarking on a commercial build without a seasoned construction manager might be akin to setting sail without a compass — a risky endeavor that may steer your project into choppy waters. The role of a commercial construction manager is not just oversight; it’s the linchpin of project success, mitigating risks and harmonizing a myriad of moving parts. From preempting obstacles to proficiently aligning resources, their expertise is irreplaceable.

In an industry punctuated by deadlines and stringent budgetary confines, a construction manager is your stalwart commander, marshaling trades and technologies with finesse. They don’t just manage—they enhance your build, fortifying it against the unexpected, boosting efficiency, and elevating quality.

Perhaps most significantly, they translate construction chaos into the language of progress—a feat that ensures your venture not only survives but thrives. Investing in construction management isn’t an ancillary expense; it’s the catalyst that propels a commercial construction from concept to landmark reality.


Construction management is not a luxury; it’s a project cornerstone. It assures business owners and real estate developers that their commercial interests are built on solid ground, promising structural integrity, and financial soundness. Through the alchemy of cost-effective project planning and quality assurance in construction, coupled with the adoption of construction management best practices, the aim is to execute flawless projects that stand the test of time. Whether engaging a construction management company or bringing on board an individual construction manager, remember that with the right management, your construction project can go from a concept to a crown jewel in your portfolio.

If you’re ready to build your future on the bedrock of excellence, these pillars of effective construction management will help to establish your project well beyond the industry standards. Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 to speak with a seasoned commercial construction contractor in Indianapolis, Indiana, today.

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A Smart Alternative to New Construction Senior Housing

If you are a developer, it is important for you to review your options for senior housing facility construction. Currently trending in the construction and building industry is the adaptive repurpose approach, which involves reusing existing buildings to develop new senior living facilities.

Senior Housing Construction Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531
Senior Housing Construction Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

A New Option for Senior Living Facility Construction

These days, everyone is open to greener living, from energy efficiency and water conservation to renewable energy applications, solar power, metal recycling, salvaging, and more. This globally-mutual endeavor also applies in the construction and building industry, whose leaders are continuously exploring ways to reduce their waste and overall carbon footprint. Repurposing vacant or distressed commercial assets to develop new senior housing centers is just one example of how this effort has evolved in 2022.

Adaptive Reuse for Senior Housing Construction

Many vacant or distressed commercial buildings still have much to offer. The adaptive reuse construction approach for senior housing gives properties like these a second life. Not only is this economically beneficial, but it also benefits the environment and saves developers a notable amount of money. In fact, it can make real estate developers more money by reducing the overall timeline needed for a new construction build. The sooner you can get your operation up and running, the sooner you can start generating revenue. And with the expected rise in demand for senior living accommodations, your facility is vital to the well-being of at-need seniors in your community.

Getting Started With Your Senior Housing Build

Common buildings that have proven to work well in the adaptive reuse approach for senior living centers include hotels, schools, office buildings, retail stores, campus dormitories, hospitals, shopping malls, and even historic buildings. These types of properties offer the space and design flexibility needed to provide adequate housing and care for seniors. When considering the acquisition of such a location for a new senior living facility, it is wise to outsource professional, Indiana commercial general contracting service.

An appointed commercial construction manager will work as your one-stop-shop for all your space planning and renovation needs. They will address every detail of your project, from procurement and permitting to design-build, ADA compliancy, integrated technologies, post-facility service, and much more. You can also rely on your construction manager to help you take advantage of all tax credits and opportunities that come along with commercial construction adaptive reuse. Such benefits may include tax credits for historic preservation, as well as shortened development timelines, enhanced marketability, and specific financial gains for reusing instead of building new.

Are you looking for superior commercial construction and remodeling for a senior housing or medical facility? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for superior healthcare facility construction in Indianapolis, Indiana. We work with clients all throughout the state.

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Healthcare Facility Construction Considerations for 2022

As a real estate developer preparing for a healthcare facility construction project next year, it is wise to begin your preconstruction planning process with some innovative design and technology considerations. Continue below to review some of the top medical facility construction and design trends heading into 2022, plus which company to trust for superior commercial construction services in Central Indiana.

Medical Facility Construction Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531
Medical Facility Construction Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

Technology Applications for the Medical Facility Industry

Technology is the future of the medical facility and healthcare world. Innovation and scientific breakthroughs has made our society what it is today, and as a healthcare clinic or facility, it is your moral obligation to stay current with all the new innovations and technologies available today. Evolving with the changing world of healthcare and medical treatment will set your facility apart from all the rest, setting the bar for professionalism, quality, and service.

Here are some considerations to incorporate into your preconstruction planning process for medical facility construction:

Copper Surfaces

Anti-microbial is the way to go, especially considering the tragedies that have come out of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the medical treatment industry, such protections are of the highest importance. After all, patients check in to get better, not sicker. One design approach that is taking the medical facility construction world by storm is copper-alloy touch surfaces.

Copper retains natural properties that kill microorganisms, such as disease-causing bacteria and antibiotic-resistant infections. In fact, studies have shown that copper services can kill all microbes within an hour’s time. Even the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) condones the applications of copper alloys as, “antimicrobial materials with public health benefits.”

Recommended copper-alloy touch surface installations include:

▶ Bed Tables
▶ Railing (Bed rails, handrails, stair railing, etc.)
▶ Computer Keyboards
▶ Doorknobs
▶ Faucets, Sinks and Toilet Hardware
▶ Fitness and Physical Therapy Equipment
▶ Shopping Cart Handles
▶ Countertops

Touch-Free Technologies

In addition to antimicrobial protection through the use of copper alloy surface installations, medical facility construction designers and advisors have opted for touch-free technology applications and designs. Hands-free technologies, like motion-sensor doors and automatic sink faucets, can significantly reduce the spread of germs and other illness-causing components. You may also consider touch-free designs like automated soap and hand sanitizer dispensers, voice-activated emergency assistance, and touch-free intercoms.

Are you looking for a qualified commercial construction company to navigate your healthcare building or renovation project in Indiana? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for superior medical facility construction in Indianapolis, Indiana. We work with clients all throughout the state.

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Indianapolis Commercial General Contracting and Design Build Services
Contact Us Today 317-253-0531

Leading Technology Applications for Senior Housing

As the world continues to evolve, our need for innovative technology is more apparent. This is especially true for senior population centers in Indianapolis, Indiana. Following the height of the recent pandemic, senior living establishments were in great need of increased healthcare security and protection. With that need came the adoption of these leading technological solutions.

Continue below to explore these technology applications and how you can incorporate them into your senior living center or nursing home remodeling project.

Senior Housing Construction Indianapolis IN 317-253-0531
Healthcare Construction and Remodeling Indiana 317-253-0531

Technology That Supports Health and Safety

There are various technologies that can be incorporated into a senior housing remodel or renovation to increase health and safety among elderly and staff. From touchless hands-free devices and robotic assistance to air quality systems, virtual programs, and more, it is evident that technology is becoming an essential element in the senior housing and medical care industry.

Current Tech Solutions and Applications in Senior Housing and Care Centers

Touchless Technology

The incorporation of touch-free design technology has really changed our world, both in the home and in business. As we all know, many illnesses and contagions are transmitted through surface contact, but touchless technology has provided a simple and dependable solution to avoiding service transmissions. Within the senior living industry, touchless technology has become an unparalleled solution to abating the spread of viruses, bacteria, and other transmissible infections that are commonly caught through surface contact.

Technologies like hands-free soap and sink faucets prevent seniors from having to touch dispensers and knobs to wash their hands, thus further protecting them from coming in contact with any bacteria or contagions. Additional types of touchless technologies applied in senior housing and care centers include automatic doors, automated hand sanitizer dispensers, motion sensor lighting, touchless elevators, and even artificial intelligence (AI) technologies that notify staff when rooms have exceeded a certain number of occupants.

HVAC and Air Quality Technology

Air quality is important to every living being, but for the elderly, it is especially important because many senior citizens struggle with upper respiratory implications or have lowered immune systems that render them more prone to illness and infection transmitted in the air. Not only is routine air duct cleaning and decontamination important for senior housing centers, but proper air filtration should always be a focus. Modern-day heating and cooling and air quality technologies that are being applied to senior care centers include medical grade air purifying systems and disinfection systems. They are also technologies that will detect dangerous air quality levels.

Virtual Technologies

Virtual healthcare, or telehealth, is one of the most advantageous technology applications for senior citizens and elderly living within a retirement or medical care center. Many doctor and healthcare appointments can be done virtually, allowing tenants, patients, and staff to communicate in a streamlined fashion without having to travel. This is especially beneficial for seniors who are disabled, severely immune suppressed, recovering from surgery or treatment, ill, or unable to make travel arrangements.

Are you a senior housing center proprietor or builder would like to incorporate some new technologies that aim to enhance health and safety? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for specialized healthcare remodeling services in Indianapolis Indiana. We serve clients all throughout the state.

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Indianapolis Commercial General Contracting and Design Build Services
Contact Us Today 317-253-0531

Benefits of Converting Vacant Mall Space into Medical Facilities

Abandoned mall conversions are a new real estate trend gaining more momentum by the day in the current economic climate. That is because using vacant mall space as a foundation for a new office or business location has its advantages. With astute commercial construction and remodeling design, much of America’s vacant mall space can be converted into a safe and functional office setting. One industry that seems to be excelling at the mall redevelopment trend is the medical facility industry.

Continue reading to learn the top benefits of turning old, vacant mall space into a new medical facility, and how to get your space planning and permitting started before the end of the season this year.

Indianapolis IN Medical Facility Construction 317-253-0531
Indianapolis IN Medical Facility Construction 317-253-0531

Vacant Mall Space Conversions

After the whirlwind of events experienced in our nation recently, more and more consumers are shopping online or locally, rather than the city mall. This reason, coupled with wide-spectrum economic depression, has led to a significant drop in occupancy for many shopping centers and malls all around the country. Several malls have even had to close down entirely because of insufficiency tenancy, as they cannot continue to afford the massive overhead needed to keep a large mall up and running.

A solution to this problem seems to be mall conversions. With skilled space planning and remodeling, vacant or abandoned mall space can be turned into a state-of-the-art, sophisticated business setting for various applications, including offices, ghost kitchens, and even medical facilities. In fact, there are many good reasons why commercial real estate developers are leaning more towards mall redevelopment for medical facility construction rather than building from the ground up.

Building a Medical Facility in an Abandoned Mall

Although it sounds like you are compromising quality and structural integrity by choosing to renovate old mall space into a medical facility, vacant mall space is actually a real asset for medical facility construction. Mall redevelopment provides the same basis of construction and design, without tacking on the additional building costs required to construct a facility from the ground up. Here are some additional noted benefits of medical facility mall conversions:

Prime Location – Malls are built in prime locations around highway and interstate connections to attract and draw in a larger market around the city. For this reason, medical facilities do well in converted mall spaces because patients and staff can easily access them from a broad area.

Adequate Accessibility – Malls are large facilities themselves, which is why their parking lots are usually massive. This is an advantage for medical facility operations because mall parking lots offer sufficient space for patients and staff, as well as ambulatory and emergency vehicles. Furthermore, mall parking lots are typically ADA compliant, and come with handicap parking, ramps, automatic doors, wide turn around space, and similar compliancy.

Square Footage – As we keep mentioning, malls are big, so space is something they can offer generously. This is an advantage for medical facilities because it delivers adequate square footage for lobbies, waiting rooms, exam rooms, operating rooms, diagnostic rooms, conference rooms, offices, break rooms, inventory storage, and more.

Reduced Costs – Converting old mall space into a new medical facility reduces construction costs drastically because the bones are already there. Furthermore, malls are opening their doors to such lease agreements because they are desperate for income, which means cheaper rent for tenants.

Are you interested in learning more about commercial space conversions or medical center construction in Central Indiana? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for superior healthcare construction in Indianapolis, Indiana. We work with clients all throughout the state.

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Indianapolis Commercial General Contracting and Design Build Services
Contact Us Today 317-253-0531

Top 3 Technology Trends for Senior Housing Development

Now that we have experienced a global pandemic in today’s age, it is no surprise that businesses and industries all across the world are incorporating new technologies to help abate the spread of transmissible diseases and maintain a strict internal safety code for health and hygiene. One of the most severely impacted industries of the Covid-19 pandemic is the senior housing and care industry. As a commercial proprietor or real estate developer preparing to build a new senior housing center, or renovate an existing one, it is wise to consider incorporating some innovative technologies that can enhance the health and safety of patients, residents, visitors, and staff alike.

Continue reading to learn the top three technology transfer senior housing development, and who to call for trusted commercial construction in general contracting services in Indiana.

Indianapolis Senior Housing Construction 317-253-0531
Indiana Senior Housing Construction 317-253-0531

Tech Solutions for Senior Housing and Elderly Care Centers

After seeing and experiencing the effects of Covid-19, our society now has new standards for health and safety within modern-day senior housing and elderly care centers. Such standards aim to support the health and safety of all residents and staff, and to promote and extended and higher quality life. The most popular and effective technology solutions for senior housing retirement centers and elderly care homes today are touchless applications, HVAC innovations, telehealth technologies, and even robots.

Touchless Technology

Bacteria and viruses are often spread through surface transmissions. In order to abate the frequency at which such illnesses are transmitted, it is effective to incorporate touchless applications within and outside of the building. The most common examples include touchless applications in the restroom, like automatic soap dispensers, faucets, and hand dryers. However, additional types of touchless technologies that are highly recommended for senior care centers and housing complexes include automatic doors, touchless elevators, motion sensing technology, voice command technology, and similar no-touch applications.

HVAC Technology

Commercial heating and cooling technology has come a long way in the past 50 years. In the world of modern commercial construction, many types of tech solutions are being incorporated to promote higher level of air quality within a building, thus promoting enhanced health and safety among residents and staff. Innovative air filtration technologies are now popular within modern commercial heating and cooling units, as well as additions like medical grade air purifiers and disinfection systems.

Telehealth Technology

Doing things virtually has basically become second nature to us now that we have experienced quarantining. As for senior housing and elderly care center residents and patients, incorporating technology and equipment for things like virtual doctor’s appointments and healthcare provider meetings is becoming more and more popular among commercial builders and proprietors. This is quickly becoming the new way of staying connected with everyone, professionally and socially.

Artificial Intelligence

Although not as common, there are many commercial real estate developers who are incorporating all types of artificial intelligence and similar AI technologies into their builds. For instance, there are new artificial intelligence programs that can alert staff when a room has exceeded its recommended capacity. Even robots are being incorporated into senior care and housing centers! There are automatic cleaning robots that eliminate all germs and bacteria on accessible service areas, and others that actually spend quality time with senior citizens as they take on a digital face of a loved one.

Are you looking for a commercial construction builder to help you enhance the technology of your senior care or housing complex? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for superior Indianapolis Indiana healthcare construction services you can trust.

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Indianapolis Commercial General Contracting and Design Build Services
Contact Us Today 317-253-0531

Dental Office Design Touches That Improve the Patient Experience

As an Indianapolis dental office, you are certainly familiar with the occasional canceled appointments and no-shows. But did you know that some research has shown that many dentists’ patients choose to not come in for their scheduled appointments due to stress and anxiety surrounding the whole experience? These are what’s known as “emotional no shows” and are more common than you might think. Fortunately, it is suggested that with a little smart office design, your dental practice can be a more comfortable and inviting environment for your patients, thus improving appointment follow-through and even staff attendance!

Continue below to learn some recommended dental office design touches that will instantly enhance your patient’s overall experience at your practice, and ultimately, increase your bottom line as a business.

Indianapolis Dental and Healthcare Construction 317-253-0531
Indianapolis Dental and Healthcare Construction 317-253-0531

Dental Office Design Tips

When you concentrate your office design around your patient’s emotional state, you can better accommodate their needs for comfort and support. In turn, you can increase your practice’s traffic and raise your profit margins year after year. Basically, try to modify your office environment in a way that will make your patients feel more welcomed, comfortable, and assured of your professional abilities, while also accommodating your office staff in a way that allows them to perform their duties to the best of their ability.

Hire a Pro for Dental Office Remodeling

All it takes is the perfect combination of office construction and interior design to deliver the best possible patient experience within your means. Achieve this by hiring a skilled commercial construction team in Indianapolis, Indiana. An experienced and reputable company will be able to provide comprehensive commercial general contracting services, including space planning and permitting, design build (DB) construction, and even post occupation facility maintenance.

Use Your Senses for Interior Office Design

Think about your patients’ senses as they enter and visit your office. Touch, smell, sight, sound, and even taste can all enhance your patient’s experience as they come in for their routine appointments.

TOUCH – Consider your patient’s comfort as they sit in the waiting room, or lay in your dental chairs. Vinyl and latex material are not as comfortable as leather or some type of soft woven fabric. Your office furniture should be comfortable and welcoming. You can go as far as some luxury dentist offices that offer warm towels and even paraffin hand wax upon checking in.

SIGHT – Using warm color schemes and lighting can offer a much better experience for your patients. Blues, greens, and warm sand colors are suggested to be the most calming color palettes for medical offices. Replace fluorescent lighting with a combination of natural lighting and lamps. Also incorporate natural flora like indoor plants and fresh flowers. Arrange your furniture to face windows that reveal outdoor nature or landscaping, and hang lovely artwork. Televisions are always a great idea too.

SMELL – Adding fresh flowers for the purpose of appeal is also something that can enhance the patient’s experience by pleasing their sense of smell. Other touches that can appeal to the olfactory senses include aromatherapies, warm wax melts, candles, light scented plug-ins, and even baking fresh cookies.

TASTE – You can deliver two amenities in one by baking fresh cookies at your office, which pleases both smell and taste. Aside from cookies, you can also offer patients bottled water, Keurig coffee and tea options, mints, hard candies, or other types of refreshments.

SOUND – Inviting and relaxing tunes in the background, such as classical music or nature sounds, can enhance the patient experience, and deliver a higher level of comfort while they wait to be seen. If you have televisions in your waiting room, place them on medial channels that are neither aggressive or offensive, such as home remodeling networks or kid’s cartoons.

Are you ready to modernize the look, feel, and success of your dental practice? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 to learn more about dentist and healthcare construction in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial and industrial clients throughout the state.

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Indianapolis Commercial General Contracting and Design Build Services
Contact Us Today 317-253-0531

3 OSHA Guidelines For Illnesses and Injury Prevention in Medical Facilities

When it comes to medical facility construction, there are many OSHA guidelines that both proprietor and contracting team must strictly adhere to. However obvious some of them may be, there are a few OSHA guidelines that are often overlooked, or simply not as evident. There are 3 in particular, all of which are equally as vital as all the rest. For the new year, be sure your medical facility is equipped with these important and overlooked OSHA recommendations.

Indianapolis Healthcare Construction
Indianapolis Healthcare Construction 317-253-0531

Medical Facility OSHA Recommendations for 2021

In addition to medical facilities, there are other types of edifices and industries that require the same level of OSHA standards that are similar to other buildings, such as rehabilitation centers, therapy offices, senior care centers, nursing homes, and more. The new year OSHA recommendations for such industries include security systems, airborne infection isolation rooms (AIIR), and of course, personal protection equipment (PPE), including dispensers and disposal bins for the PPE. Here is a little more about each type of new year technology that you should consider for your upcoming medical facility new build, remodel, or renovation.

Medical Center Security Systems

Incorporating security system designs in a medical facility is a vital part of meeting OSHA standards, as well as protecting all staff, patients, contractors, and guests. Everything from violence to psychosis, there should be strict internal safety codes for all potential hazards and confrontations. Such systems to consider and discuss with your commercial construction medical facility contractor include ADT exterior alarms, video surveillance, secured exit routes, and automatic window and door locking systems. Your updated security plan might also include improved parking garage safety, such as better lighting or protective, after-hours barriers. These safety and security features are in addition to the standard safety and security systems recommended for all medical facilities and all other commercial buildings.

Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)

With the pandemic still going strong in all parts of the world, personal protection equipment (PPE) is even more of a necessity than it ever has been. Furthermore, such necessity is even more important in the medical industry since it is an industry that deals with illnesses, some centers dealing with infectious and dangerous diseases that can be easily transmitted to adults and children. New technologies that you can consider incorporating into your medical facility this year for the purpose of supporting and organizing personal protection equipment are automatic PPE dispensers, touchless PPE disposal containers or bins, and plenty of accessible storage units for all PPE.

Airborne Infection Isolation Rooms (AIIR)

The added OSHA recommendation of incorporating an airborne infection isolation room into a new or soon-to-be remodeled medical facility is an astute and important consideration, especially during these times of the COVID-19 pandemic. What was once referred to as negative pressure isolation rooms, airborne infection isolation rooms serve the purpose of mitigating the spread of dangerous or transmissible diseases. They achieve this goal with the help of fixed-air circulation systems. These systems use special filtration materials to exhaust contaminated or unconditioned air directly outside.

Choose BAF Corporation for Healthcare Construction and Remodeling in Indiana

Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for trusted healthcare construction and remodeling in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding locations. Our skilled and experienced commercial general contractors serve all corporate, commercial, and industrial industries in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding districts. Call today to request free information or to schedule a consultation.

Indianapolis Commercial General Contracting and Design Build Services
Contact Us Today 317-253-0531

BAF Corporation Provides Superior Healthcare Facility Construction in Indianapolis

Here at BAF Corporation, our professional commercial contractors have provided superior and trusted healthcare and wellness facility construction in Central Indiana. Continue below to learn why medical facility proprietors should choose us for full-service planning, construction, and post-facility maintenance.

Medical Care Facility Standards

Not just here in our home state of Indiana, but all throughout the nation, healthcare facility requirements are growing firmer and more complex. For this reason, healthcare facilities, including wellness centers and spas, must retain the services of a truly skilled expert who stays current on all medical construction laws and building code changes.

BAF Corp Has the Medical Care Construction Expertise Your Facility Needs to Be Successful

BAF Corporation is a leading healthcare construction company in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our licensed commercial general contractors have decades of hands-on experience in the commercial construction industry. We provide comprehensive commercial construction services, but maintain a special emphasis on healthcare construction. As the healthcare industry continues to evolve in so many ways, our teams stay up to date on all building codes, industry best practices, design trends, and innovative technologies. Not only do we build facilities that are functional, efficient, and meet today’s industry standards, we build facilities to take on future growth and changes for long-term success.

From hospitals and emergency clinics, to doctors’ offices, surgery centers, wellness centers, spas, rehabilitation centers, laboratories, outpatient clinics, and much more, we are your expert commercial general contracting professionals to choose for superior healthcare and wellness facility construction. In fact, we have provided successful work here in Indiana, for Northpoint Pediatrics, Hematology Oncology of Indiana, Community North Hospital, Radiology of Indiana Breast MRI, Neuropsychiatric Hospital, and many more.

The BAF Corporation Method

At BAF Corporation, our concentrated approach to medical facility construction delivery services provides insurance for your project outcome, protects your investment, and enhances your business’s overall value and function. By co-operating as one collective team, our healthcare construction professionals accurately specify all unique aspects of a project, including aligning design and building schedules, pin-pointing milestones, generating contingency plans, and evaluating all possible alternatives. This allows us to accurately reflect real world conditions, control costs, and prevent complications or setbacks. In the medical and healthcare industry, every single one of these priorities are vital to a hospital construction project.

How to Get in Touch for a Consultation

Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 to get in touch with a friendly office manager regarding healthcare construction services in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding locations. Our licensed commercial general contractors have the expertise to effectively apply our resources and abilities to deliver the highest standards of excellence in architecture, engineering, design, and facility maintenance in the healthcare industry. We serve all corporate, commercial, and industrial industries in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding districts. Call today to request free information or to schedule a consultation.

Indianapolis Commercial General Contracting and Design Build Services
Contact Us Today 317-253-0531