The Art of Business Appeal: Elevating Your Space Through Quality Painting

Your place of business is a canvas waiting to reflect your brand’s message, values, and promise. This canvas, carefully adorned, can be the silent herald of professionalism and attention to detail that speaks volumes without a single word. In the bustling world of entrepreneurship and commerce, the aesthetic appeal often takes center stage, impacting not only the customer’s first impression but also the longevity of your brand’s image. Let’s delve into why quality painting is not just about bright colors and fresh coats but is fundamental to your business’s aesthetic strategy.

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Call 317-253-0531 for Commercial Painting Solutions in Indianapolis

The Impact of Business Aesthetics

First Impressions and Customer Perception

The human brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than text. What this means is that before your customers read a sign, they will have already made an impression based on what they’ve seen. A tired, discolored façade or an indoor space bearing the battle scars of neglect can set a tone of dilapidation that’s hard to shake. On the other hand, thoughtfully painted interiors and exteriors can create a dynamic statement that captures and holds attention, showcasing a brand at its finest.

Influence on Brand Image and Reputation

Every brushstroke is an opportunity to mold your brand’s image. Is your business quirky and vibrant? Or perhaps sleek and modern? The colors, patterns, and care put into your space’s aesthetic are key to conveying this. Consistency in your brand’s aesthetic, from the website to the office walls, builds a coherent story and fosters greater trust and recognition among your clientele.

Creating a Welcoming and Professional Environment

Beyond the brand-specific choices, there are universally inviting aesthetics that can transform any space. A warm yet professional environment can be crafted with the right color palette and layout. This is not just about the style but the fusion of visual stimuli to create an ambience that encourages both clients and employees to feel at ease and ready to engage.

Why Quality Painting Matters

Durability and Longevity

A painting job is an investment, and like any investment, you seek returns. Quality paints are more than just pretty—they’re tough. They resist the marks, scuffs, and even some of the harshest elements that might batter lesser coatings. They keep your business looking new, and that’s a message to visitors that yours is a brand that stands the test of time.

Enhancing Visual Appeal and Aesthetics

The essence of quality painting is not merely in the application of color but in the craftsmanship that produces a flawless finish. Skilled painters will know how to address imperfections, ensuring smooth, even surfaces that showcase the chosen design to its best advantage. This, in turn, elevates the visual appeal and the luxury of aesthetic experience.

Reflecting Professionalism and Attention to Detail

You wouldn’t show up to a meeting with a client looking anything less than your best. Your business space deserves the same respect. Attention to the quality of painting is an overt reflection of the level of care and attention your business operates with ― a subtle yet powerful indication of the quality of your products or services.

Choosing the Right Painting Contractor

Importance of Experience and Expertise

A professional commercial painter with years in the industry brings not just technical skills but a wealth of insights into design, color psychology, and novel techniques that can transform the mundane into the extraordinary. An experienced painting contractor is a collaborative partner in your aesthetic vision.

Checking for Licensing and Insurance

As with any aspect of your business, safety and professionalism cannot be compromised. Always choose a contractor with the necessary licenses and insurance to protect both you and their workforce. This ensures accountability and the peace of mind that comes with it.

Reviewing Portfolios and Client Testimonials

A painter’s past work is a crystal ball of your future results. Take the time to peruse their portfolios and, if possible, visit sites where they’ve worked. Word-of-mouth testimonials from previous clients add the layer of trust that is earned through consistent excellence.

Additional Considerations:

Color Psychology and Its Impact on Business

Colors are not neutral; they carry meaning and influence emotion. Blue is often associated with trust and stability, while yellow can evoke energy and optimism. These nuances can be harnessed to create an environment that supports and resonates with your business goals. Understand the subtleties of color psychology to leverage them effectively.

Maintenance and Upkeep of Painted Surfaces

The beauty of a newly painted space is a sight to behold. But to keep that beauty, regular maintenance is a must. Educate yourself on the best practices to maintain the vibrancy of your painted surfaces. Simple steps like routine cleaning and addressing damages promptly can significantly extend the life of your paint job.

Industrial Colors for Factories

In the realm of industrial facilities, the choice of paint colors goes beyond mere aesthetics; it’s a crucial element for safety and productivity. Safety yellow, for instance, is a standardized hue that’s instantly recognizable, used to delineate walkways, mark physical hazards, and signal caution. Similarly, clean white or light gray can optimize lighting by reflecting more luminance within the space, contributing to a safer and more energy-efficient work environment. When selecting these shades, it’s important to understand that each color serves a distinct purpose.


The narrative woven through paint and brush is as powerful as any business strategy. It communicates value, stirs emotions, and sets the stage for your commercial narrative. It is an investment worth careful consideration and professional execution. As you embark on this chapter of your business’s visual story, let it be one entrenched in quality and mindfulness. After all, what your business ‘wears’ is as much a part of its identity as its name. It’s time to paint the picture of success with precision and purpose.

Are you planning an important commercial renovation or business remodel? Trust a pro for the best results. Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 when you need the most trusted and qualified commercial general contractors for painting and drywall service in Indianapolis, Indiana.

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Common Drywall Texture Styles for Commercial Buildings

Although there are several different types of drywall texture styles, those primarily used for commercial applications can be categorized into 2 specific groups. The first group is manual application, also referred to as hand-applied drywall textures, which generally involve using a variety of manually operated hand tools. The second group is machine application, or sprayer-applied drywall textures, which use an automatic dispersal device to apply texture to commercial drywall.

Continue reading to learn more about commercial drywall texture styles, plus how to get started with the best commercial drywall service in Central Indiana.

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Commercial Drywall Contractors Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

Top Commercial Drywall Texture Options

Sprayed Drywall Textures

One interesting and unique trait to sprayer-applied drywall textures is that their designs cannot be mimicked by hand. Only a specialized apparatus designed to apply texture material to drywall surfaces can create the styles most-noted for machine application. Some common commercial drywall texture designs include Orange Peel, Splatter Knockdown, and the classic, Popcorn.

The device used to apply the texture material operates by storing the substance in a hopper, and then releasing it through a long hose with an air compressor operated by a manual trigger. They come in a variety of sizes and brands, so it is important to choose the proper apparatus for your commercial drywall texture goals. For larger drywalling projects, commercial contractors will use innovative sprayers powered by actual motors and internal combustion engines.

Hand-Applied Textures

An interesting fact about hand-applied drywall textures is that there is literally no limit to the designs, styles, and originality you can choose to do. Even if an Indianapolis commercial drywall contractor uses the same style, such as the common “skip trowel”, no solitary application will be exactly the same as another. It is virtually impossible to replicate a hand-applied drywall texture design. The options are merely limited to one’s own natural artistic ability.

Other common designs for manual commercial drywall textures include Hawk and Trowel, Swirl, Double Skip, Sante Fe, Stomp Knockdown, Rosebud Stomp, and Cross Foot Stomp. Most often, manual textures are applied using a pan and trowel. There are also specialized drywall brushes, knives, and rollers that commercial contractors can use to create specific designs and custom styles.

Whether hand or machine-applied, it is important to outsource the job to an experienced and skilled contracting team for outstanding results you can trust. Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 to learn more about our commercial drywall and painting services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We work with clients all throughout the state.

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What it Takes to Get the Best Commercial Interior Painting Finishes

Commercial interior painting is a tedious and delicate project that requires a certain degree of organization, commitment, and most importantly, technique. Professional painting contractors make these qualities look easy to achieve, but for the average person, attaining professional painting finishes is a challenge. There are many techniques and methods used by professional painting teams to get that flawless, rich result you want with interior painting.

Continue below to learn what it really takes to get a professional-looking paint job before you decide on a Do-It-Yourself approach.

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Commercial Painting Services Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

Professional Painting for Commercial Interiors

Painters Tape

When you tape up baseboards before painting, it can seem like a pretty straightforward task. Apply the tape so that the woodwork is covered and move on; right? Well, many times, after the painting is finished and the tape is removed, you can find streaks or drops that managed to seep their way through. To avoid this, do what the pro’s do and use a putty knife to apply the painting tape on baseboards and molding. Press the knife against the tape to ensure a thorough seal. This prevents any paint from getting through.

Drywall Repair and Sanding

One of the most important steps to painting is preparation. Preparation of course includes choosing the proper paint, deciding on a color, purchasing needed supplies, and laying out protective drop canvas for flooring and furniture. But when we mentioned preparation in terms of what the professionals suggest, we mean hole-patching and sanding.  All holes and deficits should be filled in with a joint-compound patching product, smoothed down evenly, and allowed to dry completely. Once these areas of dry, you can sand away all the uneven surfaces.

It is vital to sand away any surface flaws, like spackle, joint-compound patches, nicks, nail holes, scores, scratches, chips, and more the best you can. Do this using a fine grit sandpaper and sanding pole. The fine grit will protect your walls from over-sanding, while the pole will allow you to reach all the way to the high walls and ceiling. Sand baseboards, molding, walls, and more to get an even smooth surface. Once you have an even and smooth surface, you can move forward with your painting project.

Paint and Primer

When joint compound is painted over, it can sometimes absorb all the moisture from the paint and leave a duller, discolored look. This makes all the patched areas on a wall noticeable. To avoid this problem, which professionals refer to as “flashing”, be sure to apply a primer to your walls before painting. But to paint like a professional, don’t just use any primer, use a tinted primer. Although white primer is acceptable and frequently used, professionals typically use a gray-colored primer, or a primer that is close to the color of the finishing paint. This covers patched areas and existing paint better than plain white or ivory primers. This results in a more vibrant finish and less applications.

Paint Boxing

Although you can purchase the same color in five cans, it is not guaranteed that all five cans will look exactly the same. This can be evident in a paint job when a new container is opened halfway through painting. It can result in a different color tone on a wall. To avoid this, professional contractors “box” their paint by pouring all cans into one large bucket to achieve one consistent color.

Paint Application

Ever wonder why a self-paint job looks streaky and a professional’s is always smooth and even? Well, the secret is adding a paint extender or paint conditioner into your paint. Popular products, like Floetrol, are designed to slow down the drying process of the paint, allowing a more even application and finish. Not only do paint extenders hide brush strokes, but they also eliminate dark lap marks from painting over semi-dried paint.   


When ceilings are textured or bumpy, it can be virtually impossible to paint a clean line between the wall and the ceiling. For this reason, professionals will use a screwdriver to scrape a ridge along the edge of the walls and ceiling. This creates a platform for painting a smooth straight line between ceiling and wall and prevents paint from sticking to ceiling bumps. The resulting ridge should be fine enough so that the lost texture is never noticed, but wide enough for brush bristles to fit.

Are you looking for a company that can ensure your commercial interior remodel or painting project comes out exactly the way you envision it? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for comprehensive commercial painting and drywall services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We work with clients all throughout the state.

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How to Safely Discard Leftover Paint and Paint Cans

Most of us would likely agree that it’s better to have too much than not enough of something. When it comes to a large painting project, this principle can certainly a valid one. But the downfall to buying too much paint is that you will likely end up more paint than you need, which leaves you in a somewhat an inconvenient position. After all, you can’t just toss out fresh, liquid paint in the garbage can. And you definitely don’t want to pour them down the drain or in the nearby creek. You see, oil-based paints are considered a hazardous household waste, and thus require specialized steps for safe, regulation-approved disposal.

Continue reading to learn your options for safe and responsible paint can disposal, then share your knowledge with everyone you know!

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Commercial Painting Contractors Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

What To Do With Old or Leftover Paint

Contact the County to Discard Fresh Paint

As mentioned, oil-based paints are deemed hazardous, so they cannot be thrown away in the regular garbage. If you have leftover cans full of liquid, oil-based paint, contact your local government’s office for instructions on proper and acceptable procedures for your county. For all other types of paint, you can either let the paint harden, make the paint harden, or donate a fuller can to a resale store near you.

Let the Paint Harden Naturally

If you only have a tiny bit of paint left in the can, simply let the remainder dry by leaving it uncovered for 24 to 36 hours. Check that it is entirely dry by inserting a toothpick or paint stirrer into the paint. If it comes out clean, the paint is dry enough. If it won’t puncture the surface, the paint is fully dry. Once the paint is entirely dry, you are safe to toss it in your own garage but place them in a plastic bag first just to be safe from residual splatter.

Manually Harden the Paint

If you have a little to moderate amount of liquid paint left in the can, you can implement a few strategies to expedite the hardening process. The most effective method is to use a waste paint hardener, which can be purchase online or at any local home improvement store. You just mix it in and wait for the paint to cure. You other option is to find your own solid debris and use it to thicken up the leftover paint, such as saw dust, newspaper, and similar absorbent materials.

Donate Your Full Cans of Paint

There are several places that will accept your full cans of leftover paint. Check with local resale stores or place a listing online for free paint. Ask your neighbors, friends, family, and coworkers to spread the word that you have free paint. Churches, rec centers, schools, and daycares, are another great consideration for donating leftover paint.

Do you have a large-scale or commercial painting and drywall project in mind, but you are not sure where to get started? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 when you need the most trusted and qualified commercial general contractors for commercial painting and drywall services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve clients all throughout the state.

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What to Consider When Choosing Interior Paint Colors

If you’ve been there before, you know that choosing an interior paint color for your business or income property can take an obscene amount of time. But it really doesn’t have to! By learning a few short-cut strategies for choosing the perfect paint colors, you can cut your selection process time in half. And with these helpful tips, you can also say good-bye to paint color “trial and error” from now on!

Continue below to learn which factors to consider when selecting interior paint colors, plus who to trust for superior commercial drywall and painting services in Central Indiana.

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Commercial Painting Drywall Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

Short-Cuts to Picking a Paint Color

Whether for your business, income property, or real estate development, you want to come back from the store with the perfect paint color selections that will deliver the look and feel you’ve envisioned for your space. But in order to do this efficiently, you will need to learn some useful shortcuts for selecting a paint color. Below are some tips for achieving this.

Consider the “Tone” of the Space

Start by considering the type of mood you envision for the space. If you are looking for a restful, serene ambience for lobbies, hallways, restrooms, meeting rooms, living rooms, or bedrooms, consider choosing softer tones like blues, grays, and taupe colors. But if you want a more vibrant feel for spaces like breakrooms, kitchens, or children’s’ playrooms, you might do well to consider brighter tones like yellows and reds. By defining the mood first, you instantly narrow down the selection of paint colors for the intended application. But be sure to also consider lighting when making your selection.

Find Details in Décor

Use the details you find in the surrounding décor to help you match a proper paint color. Perhaps you have a favorite painting or eye-catching bookcase, or maybe an area rug or awards collection? Use these favored items or focal points to help you decide on a palette for the room.

Match Your Furniture

If your interior space is already furnished, use the color schemes and textures of your furniture to help you find the right paint color for the walls and trim. However, if your space is not yet furnished, the best tips for choosing a paint color is to hold off! Wait until you have chosen your furnishing so that you can use them to narrow down your paint selections.

Test Your Color

Always test your paint color once you have chosen it. Take a small test sample with you and test it on a small corner or area of your space. Allow it to dry completely to achieve its true color, and then see how it looks with the surroundings. Generally, home improvement stores sell samples for a few dollars, while others might offer it for free.

Trust a Professional

Especially for commercial offices, landlords, and real estate developments, trusting a professional commercial drywall and painting company is the safest way to achieve the best possible outcome in terms of color schemes, finishes, and craftsmanship. The appeal and interior ambience of your business, regardless of industry, plays a large role in your overall success. Take the time to choose your interior and exterior paint colors with the help if a licensed and insured commercial contractor in Indiana.

Are you ready to spruce up your commercial property for the spring season with a drywall renovation and fresh paint job? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for commercial drywall and painting in Indianapolis, Indiana. We work with clients all throughout the state.

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Can a Commercial Paint Job Benefit My Business?

A fresh paint job for the exterior or interior of the building is not typically on the top of the to do list. With bookkeeping, payroll, staff management, marketing, budget control, and all other elements involved in owning or operating a business, making time for renovation, even something as simple as a fresh paint job, is not always an item of priority. However, commercial business owners can greatly benefit from a commercial paint job, especially if they choose the right commercial general contracting company.

Continue reading to learn the top advantages of a commercial paint job, and who to trust for superior commercial painting and drywall work in Indiana.

Commercial Painting Service Indianapolis IN 317-253-0531
Commercial Painting Service Indianapolis IN 317-253-0531

Interior and Exterior Commercial Painting

New paint is more than just a fresh look; it is a new beginning on a path toward triumph. Although it might not seem apparent right away, but a fresh commercial paint job, whether interior or exterior, can greatly increase your business’s overall success. Not only is a commercial paint job simple and affordable, but it is drastically transformative, making it an investment as worthy as all the others you’ve made for your business.

Here are the top 3 ways a commercial paint job can increase your businesses overall success:

Improved Consumer First Impression

Curb appeal is a real thing and can greatly influence the success of your business. When customers see your building, the first thing they are going to notice is the aesthetic design and condition. Old paint is simply not attractive, but a fresh coat of paint makes the building look new and modern, which is something consumers gravitate towards. Furthermore, good aesthetics speak to the business’s culture and value, which can help bring in more clientele and land important deals.

Improved Staff Productivity

Working inside a dismal and dilapidated environment is not something any employee can be happy about, nor will it give them any motivation to improve their skills or go above and beyond their roles within the company. A commercial paint job can improve the quality, comfort, and feel of your workplace environment, which will have a positive trickle effect on all of your staff. A happier team of employees are a more productive team of employees, which will directly affect your business’s bottom line and the best way possible.

Facility Preventative Maintenance

Because a commercial paint job is simple, affordable, and relatively quick in terms of turn-around times, it is one of the most recommended routine preventive maintenance jobs among commercial building owners. Incorporating a routine commercial painting task within your building’s preventative maintenance plan is a great way to protect your investment and ensure that your building is in top condition at all times.

Are you ready to revamp your commercial building or business with a fresh, new paint job? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for qualified commercial general contracting in Indianapolis, Indiana for commercial painting and drywall you can trust.

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Types of Drywall Textures Recommended for Commercial and Industrial Buildings

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Types of Drywall Textures Recommended for Commercial and Industrial Buildings

When you are building or remodeling a new commercial property, you will likely be faced with a few drywall-related decisions. One such decision is your drywall texture styles and application methods. Although there are several different types of drywall texture styles, all can be categorized into 2 specific groups. The first group is manual application, also referred to as hand-applied drywall textures, and generally involves using a variety of manually-operated hand tools. The second group is machine application, or sprayer-applied drywall textures, which uses an automatic dispersal device to apply texture to drywall.

Continue reading to learn more about each group and the various texture styles that fall within them.

Indianapolis Commercial Drywall and Painting Contractors 317-253-0531
Indianapolis Commercial Drywall and Painting Contractors 317-253-0531

Sprayed Drywall Textures

One interesting and unique trait to sprayer-applied drywall textures is that their designs cannot be mimicked by hand. Only a specialized apparatus designed to apply texture material to drywall surfaces can create the styles most-noted for machine application. Some common styles include Orange Peel, Splatter Knockdown, and the classic, Popcorn.

The device used to apply the texture material operates by storing the substance in a hopper, and then releasing it through a long hose with an air compressor operated by a manual trigger. They come in a variety of sizes and brands, so it is important to choose the proper apparatus for your drywall texture goals. For large scope projects, professionals will use innovative sprayers powered by actual motors and internal combustion engines.

Hand-Applied Drywall Textures

An interesting fact about hand-applied commercial drywall textures is that there is literally no limit to the designs, styles, and originality the artist can choose to do! Even if a commercial drywall contractor uses the same style, such as the common “skip trowel”, no one application will be exactly the same as another. It is virtually impossible! The options are merely limited to one’s own imagination!

Other common designs for manual drywall textures include:

☭ Hawk and Trowel
☭ Swirl
☭ Double Skip
☭ Santé Fe
☭ Stomp Knockdown
☭ Rosebud Stomp
☭ Cross Foot Stomp

Commercial Drywall Application

Most often, manual textures are applied using a pan and trowel. There are also specialized drywall brushes, knives, and rollers contractors can buy to create specific designs and custom styles. For hand applied projects, it is important to be experienced and skilled in the artistry of drywall texture. For this reason, be sure to hire a professional drywall contractor for outstanding results you can trust.

Trusted Commercial Painting and Drywall Services in Indianapolis, Indiana

Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for trusted commercial painting and drywall services in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding locations. Our skilled and experienced commercial general contractors serve all corporate, commercial, and industrial industries in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding districts. Call today to request free information or to schedule a consultation.

Indianapolis Commercial General Contracting and Design Build Services
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