Although there are several different types of drywall texture styles, those primarily used for commercial applications can be categorized into 2 specific groups. The first group is manual application, also referred to as hand-applied drywall textures, which generally involve using a variety of manually operated hand tools. The second group is machine application, or sprayer-applied drywall textures, which use an automatic dispersal device to apply texture to commercial drywall.
Continue reading to learn more about commercial drywall texture styles, plus how to get started with the best commercial drywall service in Central Indiana.

Top Commercial Drywall Texture Options
Sprayed Drywall Textures
One interesting and unique trait to sprayer-applied drywall textures is that their designs cannot be mimicked by hand. Only a specialized apparatus designed to apply texture material to drywall surfaces can create the styles most-noted for machine application. Some common commercial drywall texture designs include Orange Peel, Splatter Knockdown, and the classic, Popcorn.
The device used to apply the texture material operates by storing the substance in a hopper, and then releasing it through a long hose with an air compressor operated by a manual trigger. They come in a variety of sizes and brands, so it is important to choose the proper apparatus for your commercial drywall texture goals. For larger drywalling projects, commercial contractors will use innovative sprayers powered by actual motors and internal combustion engines.
Hand-Applied Textures
An interesting fact about hand-applied drywall textures is that there is literally no limit to the designs, styles, and originality you can choose to do. Even if an Indianapolis commercial drywall contractor uses the same style, such as the common “skip trowel”, no solitary application will be exactly the same as another. It is virtually impossible to replicate a hand-applied drywall texture design. The options are merely limited to one’s own natural artistic ability.
Other common designs for manual commercial drywall textures include Hawk and Trowel, Swirl, Double Skip, Sante Fe, Stomp Knockdown, Rosebud Stomp, and Cross Foot Stomp. Most often, manual textures are applied using a pan and trowel. There are also specialized drywall brushes, knives, and rollers that commercial contractors can use to create specific designs and custom styles.
Whether hand or machine-applied, it is important to outsource the job to an experienced and skilled contracting team for outstanding results you can trust. Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 to learn more about our commercial drywall and painting services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We work with clients all throughout the state.
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