Virtually all commercial buildings that serve or host human beings will have germs and bacteria somewhere, or possibly everywhere. The presence of germs and bacteria in a communal space, such as an office building or medical facility, are basically inevitable. However, the good news is that they can all be abated with some simple preventative maintenance, a little knowledge, and extra precaution. Now more than ever, these responsibilities are critical.
The approach to take in order to combat germ and bacteria exposure to your staff and/or clientele will include everything from proper cleaning, sanitizing, and self-care, to simply knowing which areas are the “germiest”, and how to handle these germ-infested hot spots around the office or building.
Continue reading to learn what all this means, and which public areas are known to carry the most germs and bacteria that can cause illness and allergies.

Here are the areas of a public building or complex that statistically contains the highest levels of germs and bacteria:
☑ Touch Points
Touch points are areas of a building that are regularly touched or handled by patrons, guests, visitors, customers, or residents. Areas like stair rails, doorknobs, light switches, door handles, faucet handles, keyboards, phone buttons, elevator buttons, and more, are all predictable hot spots for spreading germs and bacteria. It is wise to use hand sanitizer or wash your hands thoroughly after touching or handling any areas like the ones just mentioned. Right now, commercial proprietors are making certain commercial renovations to reduce surface touching areas, such as touch-free technologies and similar environmental modifications.
☑ Countertops
Offices, retail stores, and several other types of commercial buildings are very likely to have checkout lanes, restrooms, break rooms, kitchens, cafés, and other areas that have countertop space. Many people are unaware of how much germs and bacteria are on these surfaces. Food, drink, product, and more, are handled at these stations, and this is where the bacteria growth arises. Keeping countertops cleaned and sanitized can drastically reduce the number of germs and bacteria. Always use hand sanitizer or wash your hands after touching public countertops, whether in a restaurant, bathroom, coffee bar, brochure station, or reception desk.
☑ Desks
On the topic of hard surfaces like countertops, desks are also among the germiest places in a public or commercial environment. Hands, food, hair, briefcases, purses, lunch bags, and more touch desktops all day long. And very few people wipe, clean, or even clear their workspace or desk regularly. This houses germs and bacteria that can cause common colds, flus, and other illnesses. Keeping disposable cleansing wipes at a desk is a quick and effective way to reduce the buildup of germs and bacteria.
☑ Floors
There is not much to explain here. It is obvious that floors contain loads of dirt, soil, germs, bacteria, and much more. Whatever is walked upon outside or in the restroom, is surely brought inside on shoes to some degree. Long story short: wipe off anything that falls or touches the ground!
☑ Refrigerators
Communal refrigerators and microwaves are also big hotspots for germs and bacteria, but also for mold and mildew growth. All of these things can implicate a person’s health in many ways. It is important to keep community or office refrigerators clean and wiped down, regularly. This prevents mold growth, bacteria, and more.
Commercial Building Renovations That Will Enhance Health and Safety
Consider renovating your current commercial building or office space to incorporate some innovative modifications that will reduce the spread of germs and bacteria. Some current, popular options include copper surfaces, hands-free phones and ear sets, automatic doors, touch-free hand soap dispensers, automatic hand sanitizer dispensers, ionized air conditioning technology, recycling shoots and compactors, and even solar energy applications. In fact, see our blogs, “Touch-Free Design Suggestions for Commercial Buildings and Businesses” to learn more options.
Choose BAF Corp for Your Commercial Renovations in Indianapolis, Indiana
Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for superior commercial renovations in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our skilled and experienced commercial general contractors can help you decide which roofing option and course of action is best for your office or building. We serve all corporate, commercial, and industrial industries in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding districts. Call today to request free information or to schedule a consultation.