Vital Safety Tips for Visiting a Construction Site

Today is the final day of Construction Safety Week 2022. Construction accident statistics in the United States are shocking. And not all victims of construction site accidents are contractors or laborers. Real estate investors and developers are often compelled to visit their project’s construction site, eager to see the progress taking place. But construction site visits can pose several safety risks if you are not adequately prepared.

Continue below to review some important safety tips for visiting a construction site, plus how to protect your investment by choosing the right builders from the start!

Construction Company Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531
Construction Company Indianapolis Indiana 317-253-0531

Do’s and Don’ts of Construction Site Touring

Like any matter that should be taken seriously, construction site touring has its own set of “Do’s and Don’ts” you should follow. As an investor who is awaiting the completion of your new build or construction project, it is understandable that you want to see your vision come to life right before your very own eyes. But before you step foot into the construction zone, it is important that you protect yourself from any danger.

Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal protective equipment is an imperative element to construction. There is a reason why all contractors and laborers are equipped with gear like slip-resistant steel-toed boots, utility gloves, safety goggles, hardhats, reflective vests, flashlights, and more. As a visitor to a working construction zone, it is important that you protect yourself by wearing the recommended personal protective equipment required for the site.

Aside from personal protective equipment, it is important to dress appropriately for visiting a construction site. Dressing the part can protect you from all sorts of potential accidents and hazards.

DO NOT forgo personal protective equipment and similar safety measures. DO NOT wear sandals, clogs, heels, scarves, loose clothing, or anything else that can get caught or pose a tripping hazard.

Communicate With the Foreman

The foreman appointed to the construction project is the person you need to communicate with before and during your construction site tour. They will be able to safely guide you through the site because they will have the most knowledge on any potential hazards and unsafe zones.

DO NOT walk through the construction site without the general manager or foreman. DO NOT show up to a working site unannounced.

Keep Your Hands to Yourself

When you are touring a construction site, it is important to keep your hands and arms inline. There are many dangerous tools, contraptions, machinery, scrap, and debris that can harm you. You can avoid a catastrophic maiming accident by steering clear of your surroundings.

DO NOT touch power tools or attempt to operate machinery. DO NOT attempt to climb anything, including ladders.  

Are you looking for qualified builders who can bring your new construction vision to life? Contact BAF Corporation at 317-253-0531 for trusted commercial construction services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We serve commercial real estate developers, investors, landlords, and business owners all throughout the state.

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